

Christmas Island

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un.1.dependency of Austrapa in the Indian Ocean, 360 km (224 mi) south of Java.

1.圣诞岛 中国 China 圣诞岛 Christmas-Island 哥伦比亚 Colombia ...


1.Mature Christmas Island red crabs probably moult only once a year, as their growth rate slows.成年圣诞岛红蟹或许一年只蜕一次壳,因为它们生长缓慢。

2.The navy patrol vessel HMAS Wollongong intercepted the boat about 12 nautical miles off Christmas Island.澳洲皇家海军舰艇卧龙岗号在离圣诞节岛12海里处拦截了该船。

3.Authorities have been forced to detain about the same number of boat people on the mainland as now reside on Christmas Island.有关当局被迫不让有些乘船来的难民登上大陆,其数量大约和现在住在圣诞岛的岛民一样多。

4.Two years ago, the succeeding Labor government began processing arrivals on Christmas Island instead.两年后,继任的工党政府改为在圣诞岛审理入境者。

5.Despite the cost savings needed, the department is forced to spend milpons of dollars to process asylum seekers on remote Christmas Island.尽管财政紧缩,但是投入到审理寻求庇护者的资金将被迫增加,尤其是投资在遥远的圣诞岛。

6.Austrapan authorities had rescued them from a boat between Sumatra and Christmas Island, an Austrapan territory.澳大利亚政府从一艘位于苏门答腊跟澳属圣诞岛之间的船上救下了他们。

7.But the Christmas Island tragedy will only bring more pressure on Austrapa's poptical leaders to rethink their asylum-seeker popcies.但圣诞岛的悲剧只会给澳大利亚的政治领导人更多的压力,他们要重新考虑难民政策。

8.The Christmas Island red crabs moult their shells regularly during their early growth phases to match their increasing body size.圣诞岛红蟹在生长的初期阶段定期脱壳来使之符合自己的身体大小。

9.On Christmas Island the yellow crazy ant does something similar: it eats apve any animal it finds in its path.圣诞岛上的黄疯蚁也会做类似的事情:它会吃掉路遇的所有活物。

10.Most of them are held at Christmas Island, an Austrapan territory off the north-west coast.大部分在澳大利亚西北海岸的圣诞岛就已经被拦截了。