


美式发音: [ˈtʃɚˌtʃɪl] 英式发音: [ˈtʃə:tʃil]





un.1.seaport in northeastern Manitoba, Canada, situated on Hudson Bay at the mouth of the Churchill River.2.river that flows across south-central Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada, from Ashuanipi Lake, emptying into Lake Melville. The river provides hydroelectric power.3.river that flows through numerous lakes from Lac la Loche in Saskatchewan through Manitoba, into Hudson Bay.

1.丘吉尔 Chuckchee Sea 楚克奇海 Churchill 丘吉尔河 Chu River 楚河 ...

4.邱吉尔镇马尼托巴省(Manitoba)的邱吉尔镇(Churchill)是个很小的城市,步行20分钟就能把每条街巷逛个遍,但这个城市却有许多不寻常 …

5.英国首相邱吉尔英国首相邱吉尔Churchill)演讲,其中一句是:「我所能奉献的没有其它,只有热血、辛劳、眼泪与汗水。」(I have nothin…

6.邱吉尔型  邱吉尔型(CHURCHILL):长6.25-7.25英寸,圈径46-50。  绅士型(CORONA):长5-6英寸,圈径42-44。

7.英国首相丘吉尔当时,英国首相丘吉尔(Churchill)凭他杰出的外交天才,把完全不可能的苏美双方召集到了一起开会。因美国原是从英国独立出去 …

8.邱吉尔港在邱吉尔港(Churchill)四周的寒带草原上,北极熊在玩相扑游戏,它们肥嘟嘟、毛茸茸的可爱身躯在地上打磙,搅得雪花飞扬。 …


1.Emma herself began to think of Churchill as a husband for Harriet, but she resolved to do nothing to promote the match.爱玛自己则开始考虑选邱吉尔做哈里特的丈夫。不过她决定自己不再去出力撮合这桩婚事。

2.To call China a great power was "an absolute farce" , Churchill observed.丘吉尔曾评论说,若说中国是强盛之邦“绝对是个笑话”。

3."I felt as if I had been struck with a physical blow, " Churchill wrote. He said he was overpowered by a sense of deep and permanent loss.“丘吉尔写道:”我觉得,如果我一直与物理打击击中,。他说,他击败了深刻而永久丧失感。

4.But there did not appear to be any. "Square or squash" was one of Churchill's wise maxims.“非文即武”是丘吉尔(Churchill)的明智格言之一。

5.Mr Churchill came over and put his hand on the King's arm. Edward looked up. 'Thank you, Winston, 'he said. 'You were a good friend to me. '邱吉尔先生走上前,把手放在国王的胳膊上。爱德华抬起头。“谢谢你,温斯顿,”他说。“你是我的好朋友。”

6.He'd always respected Sir Win? ston Churchill, and patting small versions of him on the bottom had al? ways seemed ungracious.他一向尊敬温斯顿丘吉尔先生,他觉得拍小号丘吉尔的屁股实在是大不敬的事情。

7.It was, as Winston Churchill said, not the beginning of the end but the end of the beginning.如温斯顿.丘吉尔所说,这并不是结局的开始,而是开始的结局。

8.Coming out of the bathroom, Churchill dropped his towel, and there was the PM, in all his naked glory, pacing and talking.走出来浴室,丘吉尔下降,他的毛巾,有人时,在他的所有赤裸裸的荣耀,起搏和说话。

9.Churchill took the lead, charging ahead of the group into the dark through the barbed wire and mines, pitching grenades as he went.邱杰作为指挥者,一马当先冲进了密布铁丝网和地雷的黑暗中,一边顺手扔几枚手榴弹。

10.Do you know Churchill? --Churchill? I've never seen him, but I have heard a lot of him.你认识丘吉尔?--丘吉尔?我从来没见过他,可我听说好多关于他的事。