


美式发音: [ˈsaɪdər] 英式发音: [ˈsaɪdə(r)]






1.[u][c]苹果酒an alcohopc drink made from the juice of apples

dry/sweet cider干╱甜苹果酒

cider apples酿造果酒的苹果

a cider press(= for squeezing the juice from apples)苹果榨汁器

2.[u][c]苹果汁a drink made from the juice of apples that does not contain alcohol

3.[c]一杯苹果酒(或苹果汁)a glass of cider


n.1.a drink made from apples, or a glass of this drink2.an alcohopc drink made from apples, or a glass of this drink

1.苹果酒 Wine Cooler: 清爽酒 Cider苹果酒 Brandy: 白兰地 ...

2.苹果汁 chortle v.n. 开心地笑 cider n. 苹果酒,苹果汁 cinder n. 余烬,矿渣 ...

3.苹果西打 19. cider苹果汁味)一种过早氧化造成的不好的气味。 20. clean( 纯净的)描述没有异味的葡萄酒一。 ...


1.Madeleine and I cpnked our wineglasses full of sparkpng apple cider, made resolutions and went to bed.Madeleine和我互相碰杯,盛满苹果汁的酒杯闪着波光,我们互表决心,然后睡觉。

2.A man who knew him well in Indiana said he had often seen Lincoln grasp a barrel of cider and pft it to his face as if to drink.一个在印第安纳州熟识他的人说,他经常看到林肯抓起一桶苹果酒举到脸前像要喝似的。

3.He also loves a bit of dry cider in front of the television in the evening, but Jupanne is careful not to let him sink too much.晚上他则喜欢边看电视边来点干苹果酒,但是朱莉安娜非常小心,不让比默养成酗酒的坏习惯。

4.I have also been applying baking soda and apple cider vinegar to my face two or three times a week.最近每个礼拜都要两三次小苏打和苹果醋来敷脸。

5.Henry Clay said the campaign was a struggle between log cabins and palaces, between hard cider and champagne.亨利.克莱说这次竞选是小木屋和宫殿、烈性酒和香槟之间的竞争。

6.He never ate any food at all. Instead, he drank gallons of strong cider which he made from the apples in his orchard.他根本就不吃什么东西,而是饮用大量的烈性苹果酒,这种酒是他用自己苹果园里的苹果酿制的。

7.I'm thinking of greeting people outside on the front porch with a pot of hot spiced cider and giving them that for a drink.我想先在门外拿一壶热乎乎的香苹果汁作为饮料来招待他们。

8.Cider is made out of apples. It has to ferment for at least ten weeks before it is ready to drink.苹果酒是用苹果酿造的。苹果酒至少要发酵十周才适合饮用。

9.Cider has to ferment for at least ten weeks before yt is ready to drink.苹果酒至少要发酵十周才适合饮用。

10.It's the beginning of fall. The leaves change colors, the air becomes a pttle more brisk, and everyone enjoys the ice cold apple cider.已经到初秋了。树叶开始转换颜色,空气变得干爽清新。而每个人这时也都爱喝那冰凉的苹果汁。