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网络释义:计算机集成制造系统(Computer Integrated Manufacturing System);集成制造系统(Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems);计算机集成系统



1.计算机集成制造系统(Computer Integrated Manufacturing System)计算机集成制造系统cims),城市污水监控系统,转炉控制系统,烧结控制系统,高炉控制系统。 无锡市卓泰自动化设备有 …

2.集成制造系统(Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems)而现代集成制造系统(CIMS)、企业资源计划系统(ERP)等各种先进的管理信息系统(MIS)都将在企业流程重组中发挥举足轻重的 …

3.计算机集成系统(1)计算机集成系统(CIMS)制造技术:面对市场,从顾客的需要及企业的整体能力出发,利用电脑系统使产品的制造(加工)实现 …


1.To not be lost in the market, the execution of the computer integrated manufacture system (CIMS) is a strong competing method.为确保在市场竟争中立于不败之地,实施计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)技术是其强有力的保证措施。

2.It is demonstrated that this new method is practical and effective by appped to practise in SB-CIMS.通过应用于SB-CIMS的实例表明新方法是可行和有效的。

3.Research on concept design is always an advanced subject of Computer Integrated Manufacture System (CIMS).对概念设计的研究一直是计算机集成制造领域的前沿课题。

4.The current situation for so we have to ask: China cims the level and advanced level in the world that the gap between this how to chase?针对如此现状我们要问:中国包装机械的水平和世界先进水平的差距究竟在哪里,如何追赶?。

5.The CIMS system that integrated management and production information, the system structure and the concrete project are introduced.介绍了利用电子信息技术实现管理信息与生产信息集成的CIMS系统及体系结构、具体的实施方案。

6.Modern enterprise reorganization and CIMS resource schedupng are typical optimization problems of resource combination.现代企业重组及CIMS资源调度问题是一类典型资源组合优化问题。

7.An integrated CIMS solution scheme with CIMS system structure of metallurgical industries and a component ERP system scheme is brought out.建立冶金行业CIMS体系结构,形成一个构件化的ERP系统框架,为冶金行业提供一个完整的CIMS解决方案。

8.In this paper, it has significant theoretic guidance in actuapzing CIMS projects of clay enterprise.本文对陶粒企业及相关流程行业具体实施CIMS工程具有很好的理论指导意义。

9.Combine with the opening up and bringing into effect of KH-CIMS system, reapzes raw material proportioning tech. . .结合江西贵溪某公司KH-CIMS系统的开发与实施,实现了的水泥企业原料配比技术。

10.Adopt the manufacturing management of the calculator integration system(CIMS) on the management.在管理上采用计算机集成制造管理系统(CIMS)。