


网络释义:执行委员会;制衣业训练局(Clothing Industry Training Authority);跨地区鉴证委员会


1.执行委员会美纺织品协议执行委员会 (CITA)宣布对我国三种纺织品(棉制裤子、棉制针织衬衫和棉制及化纤内衣)自主启动特别限制措施调查 …

2.制衣业训练局(Clothing Industry Training Authority)听讲制衣业训练局( CITA )的设计课程几好,我够唔够资格读?大一的设计课程又如何?

3.跨地区鉴证委员会学校是国际和跨地区鉴证委员会CITA)及美国北中部学校联盟-学校改进和认证委员会(NCACASI)正式学校,是全国外语 …


5.活力小子(Caught In The Act)Caught In The Act (CITA) -《Caught In The Act Of Love》[MP3] Richard Carpenter -《Time》[Vinyl LP][MP3] Mattafix -《Sign…


1.The non-profit IASA is launching two new Certified IT Architect (CITA) programs at the conference.在会上,非盈利组织IASA将会发布两种新的IT架构师(CITA)认证方案。

2.CITA-Foundation is a test-based certification for architecture fluency.一种是CITA基础级,是针对架构流畅度的基于考试的认证;

3.Each trainee is entitled to receive monthly allowance during their training in CITA.学员在受训期间,每月可获发训练津贴。

4.What makes the CITA Professional certification worthy of notice?是什么让CITA专业认证引起大家的注意呢?

5.The first part is "a noble and game - to the post-Chow CITA film as an example of modern style. "第一部分是“游戏并崇高着——以周星驰无厘头式的后现代色彩电影为例”。

6.A coaption of retail importers had challenged CITA's authority to impose safeguards based on a threat only.一个零售进口商联盟也对纺织品协议实施委员会仅根据可能发生的情况而要求实施保障条款的权力提出挑战。

7.CITA; International Confederation of Temporary Work Organization;国际临时工作组织联盟;

8.CITA Center for Information Technology Accommodation信息技术适应调解中心

9.Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements, CITA人士伍德表示,纺织品协定执行委员会