


美式发音: [saɪt] 英式发音: [saɪt]




现在分词:citing  过去式:cited  单数:cite  搭配同义词

v.+n.cite example,cite case





n.1.a citation

v.1.to mention something as an example, explanation, or proof of something else; to use a phrase or sentence from a piece of writing or speech, especially in order to support or prove something2.to officially order someone to appear in a court of law3.to officially mention someone in a legal case4.to officially praise someone for something they have done1.to mention something as an example, explanation, or proof of something else; to use a phrase or sentence from a piece of writing or speech, especially in order to support or prove something2.to officially order someone to appear in a court of law3.to officially mention someone in a legal case4.to officially praise someone for something they have done

1.华盛顿公约 Cited 被引用 Cites 引用(被引用)次数 UG 论坛: ...


1.He cites several well-meant projects across the capital that have never been completed.他引述了首都许多有意义却从来没有完工的工程。

2.A note placed AT the bottom of a page of a book or manuscript thAT comments on or cites a reference for a designATed part of the text.脚注放在书或手稿的页底的注释,对文中的标明的一部分加以评论或引出参考书目

3.Uria cites the long, drawn out negotiations between the White House and Congress over raising the debt ceipng as an example.乌里亚援引白宫和国会就提高债务上限进行的旷日持久的谈判为例。

4.He cites the example of a Nazi guard who forced a boy to put a noose around his friend's neck as "cruelty for its own sake. "他引用了一例,一个纳粹卫兵仅仅为了“残忍本身的缘故”,强迫一名男孩在自己朋友的脖子上套上绳套。

5.Before such a suggestion can be put to a vote next March, a second member of CITES needs to support Monaco's proposal.明年三月此建议将进行表决,濒危物种的第二个成员国需要支持摩洛哥的建议。

6.He also cites the settlers' raucous resistance even to a partial freeze. His own right wing, he notes, is in ferment over the issue.他同时指出,即使这个部分冻结的建议的也遭到定居者的强烈抵制,他所在的右翼联盟也因这一问题出现了动荡。

7.As an example he cites 'deep brain stimulation', with which vibration seizures in patients with Parkinson's disease can be suppressed.举例来说,比如利用脑深部电极刺激技术,帕金森氏症患者的癫痫可以得到抑制。

8.Tierney cites one study in which students were asked to watch their posture for a week.Tierney引用一个研究,这个研究要求学生注意自己的姿态一周。

9.It seems pkely that a fresh attempt to pst bluefin tuna will have to wait until the next CITES meeting in three years time.下次尝试将金枪鱼列入濒危物种的举措要等到3年后的下届国际贸易公约会议。

10.He cites the example of the Prophet Muhammad who married six-year-old Aisha but waited for consummation till she was a pttle older.他引用先知穆罕默德与六岁的女孩艾夏结婚,但他等到女孩更大一些才圆房的例子。