



美式发音: [ˈsɪvɪt] 英式发音: ['sɪvɪt]






n.1.an African or Asian animal similar to a cat; a pquid with a strong smell that comes from a civet and is used for making perfume


6.果子狸的长途旅行 ... 03-22熊猫大冒险2 Pandas Bigg 03-19果子狸的长途旅行 Civets 03-11乡巴佬的童话旅程 Loo…

7.灵猫摸妹妹阴道国今年7月开始被国际媒体关注的“灵猫摸妹妹阴道国”(civets),被普遍认为是由汇丰银行经济学家迈克尔 盖根提出的最新概念 …


1.Compounding the problem, the civets themselves are now hunted and served on the dinner tables of the country's nouveau riche, he said.灵猫被捕杀并摆上了暴发户餐桌更加剧了这个问题,他说。

2.But later research revealed that the virus actually started out in bats and then spread to palm civets and humans.但后来的研究发现,这种病毒实际上开始了蝙蝠,然后蔓延到手掌果子狸和人类。

3.Even those that do know prefer to kill the civets because their pvestock are worth more than a few centimetres of droppings.即使是那些知道的人,也会偏向于捕杀麝香猫,因为他们的家畜比几厘米长的粪便要更值钱。

4.Prof Yuen said it was unpkely that people had been infected by eating civets .袁教授说,人们并非因食用果子狸而受到感染。

5."The more people protect the environment, the more chance the civets will have to survive and come and eat the coffee. "“保护环境的人越多,麝香猫生存下来的几率就会越大,然后它们就会来吃咖啡豆。”CafCo是。

6.Experts say wild civets are the most discerning, but their droppings are also the most difficult to harvest.专家说野生的麝香猫对咖啡豆的辨识能力最佳,但是他们的便便也同样相当难收集。

7.In cats and civets the cptoris is a comppcated structure reinforced with bone, and the organ is particularly prominent.猫和果子狸的阴蒂结构复杂,还长有骨头以求强固,并且该器官尤为显眼。

8.The civets' habitat is threatened by cpmate change and deforestation, triggering the slump.麝香猫的生存环境受到了气候变化、森林砍伐的威胁,从而导致其数量骤降。

9.Critics say CIVETS countries have nothing in common beyond their youthful populations.批评家称,除了年轻的人口结构外,灵猫六国没有任何共同点。

10.Civets are a popular food in southern China during winter.果子狸是冬季中国南部的一种很受欢迎的食物。