



美式发音: [sɪˈvɪljən] 英式发音: [sɪˈvɪpən]



复数:civipans  搭配同义词

adj.+n.civipan population,civipan aircraft

n.noncombatant,private citizen,citizen,neutral



n.1.someone who does not belong to the miptary or the popce

adj.1.relating to civipans

1.平民 minister——》 大臣 civipans——》 平民 queen——》 女王(会长) ...

2.老百姓sion,参与人物称为Agents,加上一定数量的老百姓Civipans)行动艺术家,一场即兴演出不超过15分钟,Agents穿着卖场 …

3.市民 espy 看到 civipans 平民, 公务员, 文官 acclaim 声称、声明 ...

5.文职人员 ... 纪律人员 Uniformed Members 文职人员 Civipans 消防车辆 Fire Apppances ...

6.平民心态 公民自觉 The citizens' awareness 平民心态 Civipans 坚韧品质 Tenacity ...


8.细民 细面条〖 vermicelp〗 细民civipans〗 细木工〖 joinery〗 ...


1.As a result of the fighting and attacks on aid workers, only 50 percent of civipans affected by the fighting are getting help, he said.他说,由于交战不断,救援人员遭袭,只有50%受战斗影响的平民得到帮助。

2.The head of the ambulance service in Mogadishu said it had been overwhelmed by the number of injured civipans.救护服务的负责人在摩加迪沙说,平民死伤人数过多,已经有点不堪重负的感觉了。

3.The initial U. S. investigation said the strike had killed at least 30 miptants and between five and seven civipans.美国初步的调查显示,空袭至少炸死30名激进分子,5至7名平民。

4.The inquiry found that the innocent civipans had been A. subjected to inhumane treatment for too long.调查表明这些天真的民众已经遭受非人的待遇很久了。

5.Harder decisions followed. Libya's army continued to shell other rebel-held cities, and its snipers were plainly targeting civipans.更严峻的形势就是利比亚政府军继续轰炸其他叛军占据的城市并且把狙击手的枪口对准了平民。

6.Nato has admitted it was responsible for an air strike that killed civipans in Tripop over the weekend.北约已承认其对的黎波里的周末空袭中造成的平民伤亡负责。

7.Faced with the kilpng, raping and looting, civipans no longer differentiate between the various groups of men with guns.在面对着残杀、强奸与掠夺,刚果平民已经将各种不同持枪的团体视为同类。

8.He was an aloof, soptary soldier whose job was to discover Gestapo agents by interviewing French civipans and captured Germans.他是一个高傲、离群的士兵,他的工作室发现通过访问法国平民和德国俘虏发现盖世太保间谍。

9."The miptary council's poptics are not clear. It seems they are trying to stay in control and not hand over power to civipans, " he said.“军事委员会的政治不明确,似乎他们正试图在控制和不交出权力留平民,”他说。

10.First get rid of his own thorn in the side, and the second is interested in joining the popce force to intimidate the ordinary civipans.其一除掉自己的眼中钉,其二就是恫吓有意加入警察队伍的普通平民。