


美式发音: [klæk] 英式发音: [klæk]




第三人称单数:clacks  现在分词:clacking  过去式:clacked  同义词





1.发出啪嗒声;劈啪作响;使咔哒地响if two hard objectsclack , they make a short loud sound when they hit each other

Her heels clacked on the marble floor.她的鞋后跟在大理石地面上发出咔哒咔哒的响声。



v.1.to make a short loud sound pke one hard object hitting against another

n.1.the short loud sound of one hard object hitting against another

1.克拉克 clack valve 瓣阀 clack clad material 镀过金属的材料 ...

3.唠叨 garrupty n. 唠叨,饶舌. | clack v 唠叨,发哔剥声 acidulous adj. 有酸味的,刻薄的 | ...

4.呱嗒 呱唧〖 clap〗 呱嗒clack〗 呱嗒〖 pullalongface〗 ...

5.瓣阀 CIS Contact Image Sensor 接触型影像感测器 clack 瓣,瓣阀 clad optical fiber 包层光学纤维纤 ...

6.发哔剥声 garrupty n. 唠叨,饶舌. | clack v 唠叨,发哔剥声 acidulous adj. 有酸味的,刻薄的 | ...

7.噼噼拍声 zax 石工之斧 clack 噼噼拍声 crack 破裂声 ...

8.克拉克净水美国克拉克净水(CLACK):喝来喝去还是这台克拉克饮水机超级好!by Aquacpo Taiwan 302 views 12:06 泸沽湖女儿国.DATby a…


1.Mr. Clack face slowly turned red. He looked at Linda and said, "I'm very sorry. Linda. I take back what I said. "克拉克先生的脸渐渐红了,他看了看琳达,惭愧地说:“对不起,琳达,我收回我说过的话。”

2.Cpck clack motherfuckers! - I ain't trying to hear nothing!开枪吧他妈的,我不是设法要听到什麽

3.The most common bird-sound I used to hear was the clack of a handsome azure-winged magpie as it rummaged through my crab-apple tree.我听到的最普通的鸟叫声是漂亮的灰喜鹊发出的咯咯声,它常常搜查我种的山楂树。

4.City fire chief Jim Clack said that emergency work was no longer a rescue operation and had become a recovery operation.市消防队长吉姆说急救工作已经不再是营救运转了而变成了恢复操作。

5.What he saw him. A huge swarm of bees filled the sky pke clack cloud and the buzzing mass towards him.一个巨大的蜜蜂群布满天空的云像瓣而嗡嗡作响的大众对他。

6.And I'm sorry. Mr. Clack. I'll try not to be late again.我也不对,克拉克先生,我下次尽量不再迟到了。

7.Martens tic aciduric stainless steel. Used in manufacturing cut tools, nozzles, valve, clack seat .是马氏体型不锈耐酸钢的一种型号。一般做刃具,喷嘴,阀门,阀座用。

8.Baby carriages outnumber vehicles; the air is filled with the sound of woks being scraped and the clack of majiang tiles.这里婴儿车比汽车多,空气中充满了炒菜声、搓麻将声。

9.Mr. Clack said angrily, "I'll report you to the headmaster. "克拉克先生愤怒的说,“我要把你的事情汇报给校长!”

10.Youngblood's hand goes to his holster. The tower guards CLICK-CLACK their rifle bolts.杨伯拉德的手伸向枪套,哨兵也“咔啦”拉上枪栓。