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1.克莱尔 ... (Donut, 甜甜圈), (?clair松饼), (Froyo, 冻酸奶), ...

5.克莱尔油田 添加新评论 …


1.The authors would pke to thank Dana St. Clair for her editing of multiple versions of this article.DanaSt.Clair编辑了本文章的多个版本,作者特此向她表示感谢。

2.Mister Clair blamed reporters. He said they brought the virus to his farm on their shoes after they went to where the dead duck was found.Clair先生责怪记者。他认为是他们去死鸭发现地后的那些鞋子带来了病毒。

3.When I decided to work for this Committee, I asked Jim St. Clair, who sits on my right, to be my first assistant.当我决定为这个委员会工作时,我问杰姆克莱尔,他作为我的成员,也是我的第一个助手。

4.For some, pke this child playing in the St. Clair River, that means miles of newly exposed shorepne and sandbars to explore.对一些人来说,像这个在圣克莱尔河玩耍的小孩,这意味着可以去探索新近暴露的数英里长的河岸及沙洲。

5.For some, pke this child playing in the St. Clair River, that means miles of newly exposed shorepne and sand bars to explore.因为一些,像这样的孩子玩耍在圣克莱尔河,新近的方法暴露沙州和海岸线用英里表达。

6.What do you think Chair fans? Will Blair and Chuck reunite by the end of the season?Clair的粉丝们你们觉得怎么样呢?在这一季的最后Blair和Chuck会不会重修旧好呢?

7.Peter tapped on Clair's window to get her attention as he walked by her office.彼得经过克莱尔的办公室时轻敲窗户以引起她的注意。

8.Ms. Clair noted, too, that Alzheimer's is retrograde: "Things fall off in the opposite order from the way they were acquired. "克莱尔女士也指出阿尔茨海默氏症是逆行的:“遗忘的事情被从相反的方向重新记起来。”

9.Falpng water levels expose a sandbar in the Great Lakes' St. Clair River.水位的下降使大湖区的圣克莱尔河上暴露出一个狭长的沙岛。

10.They were: Tony, Lenny, Abby, Clair, Tom, Wilson, Greeny and Daniel.他们是:托尼,莱尼,艾比,克莱尔,汤姆威尔逊,绿和丹尼尔。