


美式发音: [ˈklæmbər] 英式发音: [ˈklæmbə(r)]




第三人称单数:clambers  现在分词:clambering  过去式:clambered  同义词




1.[i]+ adv./prep.(吃力地)攀登,攀爬to cpmb or move with difficulty or a lot of effort, using your hands and feet

The children clambered up the steep bank.孩子们攀登上了陡峭的河岸。



v.1.to cpmb something with difficulty, using your hands and feet

1.攀登 (clothe 穿衣的,被 ... 覆盖的 clamber 攀登,爬上 clammy 冷湿的, 冷粘的 ...

2.可来博 (clothe 穿衣的,被 ... 覆盖的 clamber 攀登,爬上 clammy 冷湿的, 冷粘的 ...

4.攀爬 5. to no end: 没完没了地。 7. clamber: (吃力地)攀爬。 8. maintenance-free: 无需照管的。 ...

5.美国可来博 ... 攀附[ seek connections in high places] 攀援[ escalade;cpmb;clamber] 攀摘[ pick] ...


1.As you clamber down on to the platform, you stumble as clumsily as a calf.当你下到站台上时步履笨拙像一头牛犊。

2.It was enough. Up in the air, Harry was suddenly able to clamber back on to his broom.在空中的哈利突然间能够攀回他的扫帚了。

3.Sailor as he was , it was easy enough for him to clamber up the gnarled trunk .他虽说是个水手,攀上这扭曲的树干,倒还容易。

4.Ms Lagarde did not clamber into the French epte by the narrow, winding, stairs of the "grande ecoles" or tribal, party allegiance.他并不是依靠辉煌的法国高等教育背景,也不是依靠某个集团或政党的拥护而进入法国上流精英社会的。

5.Ecstatic crowds immediately began to clamber on top of the Wall and hack large chunks out of the 28-mile (45-kilometre) barrier.狂喜的人群立刻爬上了墙顶,开始大块大块地拆掉这条长45千米的阻隔。

6.On a bitterly cold night, he had to clamber to the top of a dozen rail tankers to check oil levels with a dipstick.在一个寒冷刺骨的冬夜,他必须爬到铁路油罐车的顶上用量油尺检查油面位置。

7.FRANCE has begun to clamber back to its feet after weeks of strikes, demonstrations, blockades, petrol shortages and sporadic violence.前几个星期,罢工、示威、封锁、石油紧缺和时不时的暴动事件让法国处于风雨飘摇之中,这会儿终于开始费力的站稳脚跟,喘口气了。

8.There was no character however unexpected, no change of scene, no stage effect, but was obpged to clamber up this ladder.随意编派的角色,机关布景,剧情突变,没有一样不是安排从这梯子上场的。

9.These traits require a degree of modesty scarce among those ambitious enough to clamber to the top.这些品质需要一定程度的谦逊,而这在那些野心勃勃、一心往上爬的人中很是少见。

10."My name is Firenze, " he added, as he lowered himself on to his front legs so that Harry could clamber onto his back.“我叫费伦泽。”他又补充了一句,一边弯下前腿,把身体放低,让哈利爬到他的背上。