


美式发音: [kləˈrɪsə] 英式发音: [kləˈrisə]





1.克拉丽莎 Clara 克拉拉 Clarissa 克拉丽莎 Clemens 克里曼斯; 克莱门斯 ...


6.克菈丽莎 ... 杰里米·威克斯托姆( Jeremy Wickstrom) 克菈丽莎Clarissa) 怪异吉米( Weird Jimmy) ...

7.克拉里莎 卡蜜拉 Camilla 克拉里莎 Clarissa 琳赛 Lindsay ...

8.克拉丽纱Richard Walker钓起的44磅鲤鱼起名为克拉丽纱Clarissa),英国的纪录鱼名叫“双色”(Two-Tone),2002年被钓起时 …


1.I wanted to turn and shout for Clarissa, but they were watching me, I knew, and I had blustered so much up there I was ashamed.我想转身去叫克拉莉莎,但他们都在看着我,我知道,况且我在山上又如此口出狂言,羞愧难当。

2.If I hadn't, Logan and I might have dropped together, and Clarissa would have been sitting here alone tonight.如果我不这么做,我和洛根会一起掉下去,而克拉莉莎现在只能一个人孤零零地坐在这里。

3.Clarissa was the one who toted him to the doctor and stayed up with him when he had a rough night.是克拉丽莎带他去看医生,当他晚上难以入眠时陪在他身边。

4.As I heard it later from Clarissa, Parry had come over to her to introduce himself, then turned away to follow me down the hill.后来我从克拉莉莎那儿得知,帕里走到她面前,自我介绍了一番,然后就转身跟着我下山去了。

5.In the early years of our marriage, Clarissa would sometimes run out of money and quietly pay for things with her personal credit card.在我们婚后的头几年,有时候会出现超支的情况,这时克拉丽莎就会悄悄地拿自己的信用卡来买单。

6.My guess was that Clarissa would not be back before midnight, so I abandoned myself to my serious, fpmsy argument.我猜想,克拉莉莎在午夜之前不会回来,于是我便沉溺在那严肃而肤浅的论点之中。

7.'It was all about the children, ' says Clarissa, who thought the experience was priceless.克莱瑞萨说,我们做的一切都是为了孩子。她认为这种经历是无价之宝。

8.I was so lost in this that I did not notice Clarissa until she sat down on the other side of the table.我深陷在沉思中,直到克拉莉莎在桌子对面坐下,我才注意到她。

9.Clarissa Vaughn: I remember one morning getting up at dawn, there was such a sense of possibipty, you know, that feepng?我记得有一天清早,我在黎明起床,我有这样一种充满无数可能的感觉,你明白这种感觉吗?

10.When her mother insisted she had to get something, Clarissa asked for socks.当她妈妈坚持让她选件礼物时,她要了袜子。