




1.清洁的心 Clean Power 洁净能源 Clean Heart 洁净心 Clean Society 洁净社会 ...

3.纯洁的心地 1.Clever Hand 灵巧的双手; 2.Clean Heart 纯洁的心地; 3.Clear Head 清晰的头脑。 ...

4.纯洁的心我们这样才能有一个纯洁的心clean heart)?让自己的灵魂安详和纯净,这是多么好的人生啊!


1.My prayer is the same as David's, "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. "我要和大卫一样祷告,“上帝啊,求你为我造清洁的心,使我里面重新有正直的灵。”

2.A VERSE FOR TODAY: 'O Lord, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.经文反思:「主啊,求你为我造清洁的心,使我里面重新有正直的灵。」

3.Five ways to effectively regulate these menopause mental problems, driving a variety of negative emotions, maintain a clean heart.以上五种方法可以有效调节更年期综合症的精神问题,驱赶各种不良情绪,保持内心的洁净。

4.O Lord, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.主啊,求你为我造清洁的心,使我里面重新有正直的灵。

5.Create in me a clean heart, God. Renew a right spirit within me.神阿,求你为我造清洁的心,使我里面重新有正直的灵。

6.We need to do is to shut down the ignorance delusion, clean heart for good.我们需要做的就是关闭愚痴的妄念,净心为善。

7.I would tell them that they need a clean heart and we get a clean heart by praying.我会告诉他们,他们需要一颗洁净的心,而我们通过祷告可以得到。

8.We must maintain an integrity of nature and a clean heart.我们一定要保有一颗完整的本性和一颗清净的心。

9.Ps 51: 10-11 Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.诗51:10-11神阿,求你为我造清洁的心,使我里面重新有正直的灵。

10.In this materiapstic society, we need to keep themselves clean heart.在这个物欲横流的社会中,我们需要保持自我内心的洁净。