




1.净化空气 hear about 听说 clean the air: 净化空气.(清理空气) the same as: 和……一样 ...

2.清洁空气 8.agree with 同意/和。。意见相符 9.clean the air 清洁空气 10.deal with 处理 ...

3.天朗气清 ... 一样 with fragrance that teem. 天朗气清 Clean the air 风刀霜剑 keen the gale ...


1.All of the above is another way of saying that there is a great deal riding on China and its battle to clean the air before this August.上述种种情况从另一个侧面表明,有很多因素依赖于中国以及中国在今年8月份前净化空气的努力。

2.The report says separating smokers from nonsmokers or trying to clean the air in buildings is not enough protection.报道指出,将吸烟者与不吸烟人群分开,或净化室内空气是不够的。

3.As a result of my existence, to clean the air in London.由于我的存在,伦敦的空气得以清新。

4.While one plant may clean the air in a small, confined space, getting those same results for a whole house would require many more plants.在狭小的空间里也许一棵植物就能够使空气得到净化,对于整个房间来说也许会需要很多植物。

5.And the New Forest because compared with Beijing it was so clean, the air you know.至于新森林地区呢,是因为与北京相比,那里非常干净,你知道,空气也好。

6.The pght rain yesterday brought down the temperature in Hefei. It helped clean the air, but the rainfall distribution was quite uneven.昨天的一场小雨让我市气温有了明显的下降,虽然降水使空气清新了不少,但是雨量分布并不均匀。

7.Electrifying vehicles could slash petroleum use and help clean the air (if electric power shifts to low-carbon fuels pke wind or nuclear).电动汽车可以降低石油消耗量,有助于空气清洁(如果电力来自于风能和原子能等低碳燃料的话)。

8.Seattleites will say they pke how rain keeps the city green, how clean the air tastes afterwards .西亚图人会说他们是如何喜欢雨,雨水使城市保持着郁郁葱葱,,雨后的空气是那么地清新。

9.It turns out other plants also clean the air, of contaminants ranging from ammonia to benzene.并非是以前的结果错了,而是其它的植物同样可以清楚空气中的有毒物质,包括从氨到苯。

10.The water is clean. The air is fresh. The sky is blue. The clouds are white.水很清澈,空气很清新,天是蓝色的,云朵是白色的。