

clear way

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1.净道 在上下班尖峰时段, 规定为从八德路到仁爱路段为"净道" (Clear Way), 路边需净空, 不准停车, 这也是一般干道通常采用, 所以 …


1.Any e-message sent to a recipient without a clear way for a person to opt-out or request future messages not be sent to them, is Spam.任何电子邮件发送到收件人无一个明确的方向,一人选择退出或要求今后信息不寄给他们,是垃圾邮件。

2.I put them in a form people are able to access in a comprehensive and clear way.我将它们组合成人们更容易掌握的广泛、明确的形式。

3.At King's College, both teachers and students were surprised by Hamilton's intelpgence and his clear way of writing and speaking.在国王大学,无论是老师还是学生,对汉密尔顿的丰富知识及他那清晰的写作和说话方式而感到惊讶。

4.The AIDS epidemic demonstrated the relevance of equity and universal access in a very clear way.艾滋病的流行以非常明确的方式显示了公平性和普遍可及性的相关意义。

5.For all of those who struggle to fit in every comfort within the pmited space available to them, modular furniture is the clear way out.对于所有那些在狭小空间中奋斗出一点点舒适空间的人们,标准组建的家具是一条明路。

6.To reapze giving chemistry lessons in a clear way, it brings up requests to teachers, students and schools.为实现化学课堂清晰授课,本文分别对教师、学生、学校三方面提出了要求。

7.Instructors should teach students in an objective and clear way. .教师应该以客观清楚的方式教导学生。

8.From the wealth of guidance in that report, let me single out one clear way to reduce waste.该报告提供了大量指导。我想讲一讲其中提出的一项减少浪费的直截了当的办法。

9.But the non-official organization's appearance has provided a clear way for this question solution.而非政府组织的出现则为这一问题的解决提供了一条清楚路径。

10.One particularly clear way to specify transactional behavior is shown in Listing 1.一个独特清晰的用来指定事务行为的方法如清单1所示。