


美式发音: [ˈklɛmənz] 英式发音: [ˈklemənz]





1.克莱门斯 Clarissa 克拉丽莎 Clemens 克里曼斯; 克莱门斯 Clement 克莱门特 ...

2.克里曼斯 Clarissa 克拉丽莎 Clemens 克里曼斯; 克莱门斯 Clement 克莱门特 ...

3.克莱门思在作出最大屈肌收缩2%的活动时学习增加心率的能力,克莱门思(Clemens)等人也发现,在从事静力练习期间(测试手的握力 …

4.克里门斯名进攻中场雅雅罗( J a j a l o ) 和克里门斯Clemens),以及上轮表现不佳的核心中场佩斯兹科 (Peszko)也举足轻重。



1.If Samuel Langhorne Clemens had been born rich, he would have had a proper education and not have needed to start working at the age of 11.假如欣赏量已经诞生富有的话,他大概会有一个精确的教诲,也不必要启动事变在11岁的时间。

2.She said Sam Clemens wrote them to her and for her and that they were not to be pubpshed.她说,这些信是山姆·克莱门斯寄给她、为她而写的,不能公开发表。

3.Clemens' testimony contradicts to that of his trainer who said he injected the pitcher with steroids.克里曼斯的证词与他的教练的证词互相矛盾,他的教练表示他曾给这位棒球投手注射类固醇。

4.Twain, then known as Samuel Clemens, marked his fourth birthday about a week after the family settled there.当一家人在那里居了大约一个星期后,吐温(当时叫塞缪尔·克莱门斯)度过了四岁的生日。

5.(Clemens may have had his doubts about the existence of God, but he was a pushover for the paranormal. ) Mme.(克莱门斯可能怀疑过上帝的存在,但很容易被超自然的现象所迷惑。)

6.Samuel Langhorne Clemens more commonly known by his pen name Mark Twain was a great American author.萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱门是一位伟大的美国作家,他的笔名马克·吐温更为人熟知。

7.The major tipping point in the Yankees' favor was their immediate need for Clemens, said the right-hander's agent, Randy Hendricks.克莱门斯的经纪人亨德瑞斯表示,洋基能够独得垂青,主要是因为他们立刻就需要克莱门斯。

8.Samuel Clemens's career prior to becoming the much-loved Mark Twain was as a "tramp" printer, as they were known in America.萨缪尔.克莱门斯在成为深受人们喜爱的马克.吐温之前,就曾是一个“流浪”印刷匠,这是他们在美国的称号。

9.As he has been the last three seasons, Clemens was noncommittal on his future as a player.在最近的三个球季,老克对于自己是否会继续在大联盟的球员生涯都是维持含糊的态度。

10.ROCKET SHOT: Roger Clemens got a second opinion on his aipng right elbow yesterday in Houston, then he received a cortisone shot.克莱门斯在休斯顿另寻他右肘问题的诊断和医师看法,然后他注了一剂可体松。