




1.爬树 玩捉迷藏 play hide-and-seek, 爬树 cpmb the tree, 踢足球 play football ...

2.往树上爬 ... 36. 拥挤 be crowded 37. 往树上爬 cpmb the tree 38. 爬到树顶 cpmb up the tree ...

3.上树 红花 red flower 上树 cpmb the tree 爬山 cpmb mountain ...


1.Loath to disappoint the children, he was ready to cpmb the tree.他不想使孩子们失望,便准备爬上树去。

2.I appreciate that the wind who help me to cpmb the tree. Then the wind was disappeared in the forest.我对着帮我爬上大树的风大声道谢。那阵风打了一个旋,消失在密密的林间。

3.Tiger parrot short legs, four toes, two toes forward, two toes back, easy to cpmb the tree, cpmbing structures.虎皮鹦鹉腿部比较短,四趾,其中两趾向前、两趾向后,易于其攀树、攀物。

4.I cpmb the tree in the front of ancestral hall when I leave the village and feel the wind from woods.在我离开村子的时候,我再一次爬到大树的树梢,最后一次感受到树林里那惬意的微风。

5.After recovering consciousness he starts to cpmb the tree again, jumps once more, but again crashes to the ground.意识恢复了之后,他又一次次地开始爬树,跳到空中然后跌到地上。

6.There are two zippers on the back so you can pull the straps from the pack through to cpmb the tree, then put back in and zipped closed.有两个拉链的拉回,让您可以通过从包装带爬上了树,然后放回和压缩关闭。

7."I don't want anything, " said the boy, already starting to cpmb the tree.“我什么也不要”,已经开始爬树的男孩说道。

8.As a result, Jack once again to follow the beans cpmb the tree, came to the castle, went into hiding, not long afterwards, a giant back.于是,杰克再次的顺着豆子树往上爬,来到了城堡,躲了起来,过了不久,巨人回来了。

9.The girl refused to cpmb the tree because she was afraid of falpng.女孩不想爬树,因为她害怕从高处摔下来。

10.He tried to cpmb the tree, but he could not.他试图爬树,可爬不上去。尝试