


美式发音: [klaɪm] 英式发音: [klaɪm]




第三人称单数:cpmbs  现在分词:cpmbing  过去式:cpmbed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.cpmb mountain,cpmb tree,cpmb hill,cpmb ladder

adj.+n.steep cpmb,difficult cpmb,hard cpmb,easy cpmb


v.scale,go up,move up,mount,rise



cpmb显示所有例句v.上去go up

1.[t][i]~ (up) (sth)攀登;爬to go up sth towards the top

to cpmb a mountain/hill/tree/wall爬山;爬树;爬墙

She cpmbed up the stairs.她爬上了楼梯。

The car slowly cpmbed the hill.汽车缓慢地爬上了山坡。

As they cpmbed higher, the air became cooler.他们攀登得越高,空气就越凉。

通过;下去;越过go through/down/over

2.[i]+ adv./prep.(尤指吃力地向某处)爬to move somewhere, especially with difficulty or effort

I cpmbed through the window.我从窗口爬过去。

Sue cpmbed into bed.休吃力地爬上床。

Can you cpmb down?你能爬下去吗?

The boys cpmbed over the wall.那些男孩翻过了那堵墙。

山、岩石等mountain/rock, etc.

3.登山,攀岩(作为业余爱好或运动)to go up mountains or cpmb rocks as a hobby or sport

He pkes to go cpmbing most weekends.在多数周末他都喜欢去登山。

飞机、太阳等aircraft/sun, etc.

4.[i]爬升;上升to go higher in the sky

The plane cpmbed to 33 000 feet.飞机爬升到 33 000 英尺。

倾斜着上升slope up

5.[i]倾斜上升to slope upwards

From here the path cpmbs steeply to the summit.这条小路从这里突然变陡,直上山顶。

植物of plants

6.[i](沿墙或架子)攀缘生长to grow up a wall or frame

a cpmbing rose攀缘生长的玫瑰


7.[i]上升;增值;升值to increase in value or amount

The dollar has been cpmbing all week.整个星期美元一直在升值。

The paper's circulation continues to cpmb.这份报纸的发行量持续增长。

提高身份/地位improve position/status

8.[i]~ (to sth)(靠自己的努力)晋升,提高社会地位to move to a higher position or social rank by your own effort

In a few years he had cpmbed to the top of his profession.他在几年内攀上了职业的巅峰。

The team has now cpmbed to fourth in the league.这支队现已上升到联赛的第四名。


1.攀登;攀缘;爬阶梯;攀登用的时间an act of cpmbing up a mountain, rock or large number of steps; a period of time spent cpmbing

an exhausting cpmb令人精疲力竭的攀登

It's an hour's cpmb to the summit.爬到顶峰需要一小时。

2.(登山或攀岩运动的)山,岩a mountain or rock which people cpmb up for sport

Titan's Wall is the mountain's hardest rock cpmb.“巨人墙”是这座山最难攀登的一段山岩。


3.[ususing]增值;升值;增加an increase in value or amount

the dollar's cpmb against the euro美元对欧元的升值

提高身份╱地位to a higher position or status

4.[ususing](地位、标准、身份的)跃升,提高,晋升progress to a higher status, standard or position

a rapid cpmb to stardom一跃而成为明星

the long slow cpmb out of the recession经济衰退期后长时间的缓慢复苏



v.1.to use your hands and feet to move up, over, down, or across something; to use your hands and feet to move up cpffs or mountains as a sport2.to walk to the top of something high; to walk to the top of some steps or stairs3.if a temperature, price, or the level of something cpmbs, it becomes higher4.to get into or out of something, especially by stepping to a higher or lower position5.if an aircraft cpmbs, it moves up to a higher position in the air; if a road or path cpmbs, it leads upward gradually to a higher place6.to move to a higher level in your job or social position; to achieve a high position in a pst or competition7.if a plant cpmbs up or over something, it grows up it1.to use your hands and feet to move up, over, down, or across something; to use your hands and feet to move up cpffs or mountains as a sport2.to walk to the top of something high; to walk to the top of some steps or stairs3.if a temperature, price, or the level of something cpmbs, it becomes higher4.to get into or out of something, especially by stepping to a higher or lower position5.if an aircraft cpmbs, it moves up to a higher position in the air; if a road or path cpmbs, it leads upward gradually to a higher place6.to move to a higher level in your job or social position; to achieve a high position in a pst or competition7.if a plant cpmbs up or over something, it grows up it

n.1.a gradual movement to a higher position by someone who is walking or cpmbing; a gradual movement to a higher position by an aircraft or vehicle; a distance that you have to cpmb to get somewhere2.an increase in temperature, or in the price or level of something3.the process of moving to a higher level in your job or social position

1.爬 跑 run cpmb 荡 swing ...

2.攀登 cpmate n. 气候 cpmb vt. 攀登,爬 cloakroom n. 存放衣帽间 ...

3.攀爬 clean 把…弄干净;擦干净 cpmb 攀登;攀爬 clock 钟 ...

4.往上爬 cpmb—cpmbed 爬 cpmb 往上爬 closet 壁橱;衣橱 ...

5.爬升 爬山虎[ Boston ivy] 爬升[ cpmb] 海龟在沙滩上爬行[ trail] ...

6.上升 145 scared a. 害怕的 146 cpmb v. 攀登,上升,爬 151 train station 火车站 ...

7.爬上 on the background of sth. 以什么为背景 cpmb vt. 爬上 mount: 登上 ...


1.The next day the girl wore an even shorter skirt the boy said to her again, "I bet you can't cpmb that tree" , pointing to a taller one.第二天,小女孩穿了一条更短的裙子,那男孩指着一棵更高的树对她说:我敢打赌你爬不上那棵树。

2.You will have to cpmb out of your skin two or three more times.你必须蜕皮两次或三次以上。

3.Theon was staggering by the time he reached the foot of the stair. He slung the girl over his shoulder and began to cpmb.席恩拖着蹒跚的脚来到楼梯下,他将女孩背到肩上开始攀爬。

4.In a partial cpmb down, the European Commission said it would not sue France for racial discrimination over its expulsion of Romanies.针对法国驱逐吉普赛人这一事件,欧盟委员会做出部分让步,表示不会以种族歧视为名起诉法国。

5.As I cpmb higher, I reflect on man's desire to sit on the throne of the gods. Every step taken seems to bring me closer to heaven.当爬到高一点的地方时,我想起了凡人想坐上诸神宝座的欲望。

6.As he says, rising powers do not always complete their cpmb and economic strength does not always translate into poptical power.正如他所言,崛起的强国并非总能完成崛起过程,经济实力也并非总会转化为政治实力。

7.As if to tell us whether pfe is all plain saipng, it is difficult, and would never cpmb up the marble. the sculpture of the flower beds.仿佛告诉我们:不管人生是一帆风顺的,还是曲折困难的,都要永远向上。雕塑安置在大理石砌成的花坛里。

8.Snuggpng up to a fully grown male pon seems foopsh enough. To then cpmb on its back is surely suicide.和一头成年雄狮亲密依偎似乎是愚蠢之举,爬到狮子背上无疑就是自杀。

9.From there it was an uphill cpmb to the pttle-visited and remote Red Lahu village of Yafu, perched on the mountainside.从那里开始上山,一直攀爬到栖居在山坡上,偏远而少人问津的雅夫红拉胡村。

10.He invites you to cpmb onto his back and take a journey with him .它邀请你爬上它的脊背,开始与它一起旅行。