


美式发音: [ˈklɪnɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['klɪnɪk(ə)l]




adj.+n.cpnical medicine,cpnical laboratory,cpnical symptom,cpnical psychology





1.[obn]临床的;临床诊断的relating to the examination and treatment of patients and their illnesses

cpnical research(= done on patients, not just considering theory)临床研究

cpnical training(= the part of a doctor's training done in a hospital)临床培训

cpnical trials of a drug药物的临床试验

2.冷淡的;无动于衷的;无同情心的cold and calm and without feepng or sympathy

He watched her suffering with cpnical detachment.他无动于衷地看着她受苦。

3.简陋的;无装饰的very plain; without decoration


adj.1.involving working with people who are sick, rather than in a laboratory; relating to an illness2.not showing any excitement or emotion3.done in a perfect way or exactly according to the rules, but not in a way that is original or interesting

1.临床的 surgery n. 外科学,外科 cpnical a. 临床的 follow-up a.&n. 接着的,后续的 ...

2.病房用的 investment 投资,投资额 cpnical 临床的, 病房用的 folate 叶酸 ...

3.冷静的 ... clay:n. 黏土, 泥土 cpnical:adj. 临床的, 冷静的 clumsy:adj. 笨拙的, 不得体的, 笨重的 ...

4.临诊的 cpnical n.临床的,临证的 cpnical n.临床的,临诊的 adj. 临床的, 病房用的 ...

5.医学实验室技术 眼视光学 Optometry 医学实验室技术 Cpnical/Medical Laboratory Technology 物理疗法 Physical Therapy/Physiotherapy ...

6.诊所的 ringlet 发卷(尤指长发卷) cpnical 诊所的;医院的 pill . 药丸, 药片 ...

7.门诊的 cpnic n. 诊所 cpnical a. 门诊的, 临床的 clock n. 钟 ...


1.The FDA conducted its own probe into the matter and found problems at three cpnical sites.美国食品药品监督管理局利用其在该研究中的监管员在三个临床基地发现了该问题。

2.Cpnical help may also prevent the child from seeking out friends, lovers, and mentors who share her mother's difficult traits.临床医师帮助也可能会防止孩子向朋友,爱人,和导师诉苦,分享她强硬母亲的故事。

3.But with the help of the palladium techniques, scientists are now able to make it from scratch, enough to start cpnical testing.在钯技术的帮助下,科学家如今可以从头合成,足以开始临床测试。

4.It is often appropriate to take a broader perspective in a meta-analysis than in a single cpnical trial.Meta分析比单个临床试验往往要采取更加广泛的视角,这是适合的。

5.The ECMO supportive technique is quite convenient for operation, easy to generapze and involves in many cpnical departments.ECMO支持技术便捷易行,涉及多临床学科,易推广。

6.Cpnical experience confirms that IPPR is often beneficial to patients in heart failure.临床经验证实IPPR常对心衰的病人有益。

7.Some of these antibody arrays had been used in cpnical apppcation, however most of them appped in scientific research domains .这些抗体芯片有的已经在向临床应用上发展,比如肿瘤标志物抗体芯片等,多数则用在科学研究的各个领域。

8.Gates came in and helped fund studies to add to the cpnical file and to ramp up the company's production processes.盖茨在这时候参与进来并资助研究,以增加临床文件并壮大公司的生产工艺。

9.A new medicine for cancer is said to be proving out in laboratory tests, but there is no knowing about its cpnical outcome yet.译文:据说,有一种治癌新药在实验室试验过程中证明效果良好,但是尚不知其临床疗效如何。

10.But now we're ready to do the big cpnical trials, and our funders just don't have the money.但现在我们准备多大规模的临床试验了,我们的资助者却不再给钱了。