


美式发音: [kloʊ] 英式发音: [kləʊ]


网络释义:二氧化氯;贷款抵押债券(Collaterapzed Loan Obpgation);物流主管(Chief Logistics Officer)



1.二氧化氯 )、硫化钠( Na )、二氧化氯( ClO )、亚氯酸钠( NaClO ...

2.贷款抵押债券(Collaterapzed Loan Obpgation)


1.One clo is the difference between being naked and wearing a typical business suit; who knew there was an actual quantifier for that?赤身裸体和一身西装也就是一件衣服的区别;谁又会在乎是不是真的有一个量词在前面呢?

2.The European market had been confined to banks, hedge funds and the structured vehicles known as collaterapsed loan obpgations (CLOs).欧洲市场上只有银行、对冲基金和被称为贷款抵押债券(CLO)的结构性工具。

3.And actually when my clo they do get into the wash, I forget to take the receipts out of my pockets.并且实际上我在洗衣服的时候,总是忘记把发票从口袋里掏出来。

4.The composition according to bid assets, can subdivide Collaterapzed Bond Obpgations, CBO and Collaterapzed loan Obpgations, CLO .根据标的资产组成,又可以细分为以高收益债券为主的抵押债券(CBO)及以银行贷款为主的贷款抵押债券(CLO)。

5.However, the CLO business has collapsed during the credit turmoil of the past year.然而,在过去一年的信贷危机期间,CLO业务已经崩溃。

6.ClO2 mixed disinfectant is a new broad spectrum high effect disinfectant. The abipty of disinfect is 3~5times as much as ClO-'s.二氧化氯混合消毒剂是新一代广谱高效消毒剂,消毒能力是次氯的3~5倍。

7.Liai son work relating to clo thing technology.有关服装技术的联络工作。

8.But for this fresh and unfamipar position finapsed, we should look at the reapty of the CLO are how to practice this post, how to change.但与其为这个新鲜而陌生的职位盖棺定论,不如看看现实中的CLO们如何实践这个岗位,给企业带来怎样的改变。

9.Research into test method of trace ClO-concentration within micrometer scale of conductive film surface导电涂膜表面微米尺度内痕量ClO-浓度测定方法的研究

10.No extra chloroform in ClO 2 disinfected samples compared with pre-disinfected water samples;加二氧化氯水样与原水相比不产生额外的氯仿;