


美式发音: [ˌsi 'oʊ] 英式发音: [ˌsi: 'əʊ]


网络释义:一氧化碳(carbonic oxide);钴(cobalt);产地证



1.指挥官;指挥长Commanding Officer (an officer who commands a group of soldiers, sailors, etc.)




1.一氧化碳(carbonic oxide)贸易区优惠原产地证 二) 非优惠性产地证目前为一般原产地证(CO) 三) CO 和 FORM A 的区别 CO 格式 签发机构 签往国 …

5.共同 circumnavigate 环球航行 co- 共同 cooperation 合作 ...

6.二氧化碳(carbondioxide) 聚苯乙烯 CH2 二氧化碳 CO2 四氟甲烷 CF4 ...


8.中心局(Central Office)可在中心局CO)或交换局安全使用:没有电子器件故障,不需要更换电池,也没有电子辐射轻便紧凑的手持式设备,易于随 …


1.Never be the first one to leave. Observe how your co-workers behave around quitting time. It does no look good for you to be eager to leave.绝不要第一个离开办公室。看看你的同事到下班时的举动如何。

2.Poisons and pathogenic micro-organisms are among the natural health hazards with which human beings are obpged to co-exist.毒药和致病微生物是人类不得不与之共存的天然健康危害。

3.He said the unit was on the mend with his appointment of David Sokol, chairman of MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co. , to its helm.他说在他任命中美能源控股公司(MidAmericanEnergyHoldingsCo.)董事长索科尔(DavidSokol)执掌NetJets公司之后,其业务正在好转。

4.This "duho" was not just a seat: it was the doorway to the other world, the parallel realm where past, present and future co-existed.“Duho”不仅仅是个凳子,它是通向另一世界的门,是过去、现在和未来并行的领域。

5.My co-workers invited me to join them at a local restaurant after work, but I decided to opt out of since I was exhausted.同事邀请我完工作后到当地一家餐馆聚会,但因为实在太累,我决定不参加。

6.Bill Winters, J. P. Morgan's former co-head of investment banking, once said the bank's shares would fall 20% if Dimon left.曾任摩根大通投资银行部联席主管的温特斯(BillWinters)说过,如果戴蒙离任,摩根大通的股价将下跌20%。

7.Plus, the tool allows you to take notes on Twitter users for your co-users to see.另外,该工具允许您在twitter用户上发布让co-users看到的笔记。

8.Communications between the multiple simulation engines in co-simulation mode are extremely complex, yet remain very easy for you to use.协同仿真模式下各仿真引擎间的通信虽然非常复杂,但是使用起来却是相当方便。

9.This was the first and last time that Frank Capra produced , financed , directed and co- wrote one of his films .这是弗兰克·卡普拉所有影片中,第一部也是最后一部,由他本人监制、筹措资金、导演、参与编写的作品。

10.After six months of this, my best friend begged me to go out with her co-worker who she said was 'average-looking, but off-the-charts nice.在六个月之后,我最好的朋友央求我去和她的一位同事约会,这位同事据他讲是“虽然相貌平平,但是人非常的好。”