


美式发音: [ˈkoʊstˌlaɪn] 英式发音: [ˈkəʊstˌlaɪn]



复数:coastpnes  同义词反义词





1.海岸线;海岸地形(或轮廓);沿海地带the land along a coast, especially when you are thinking of its shape or appearance

a rugged/rocky/beautiful coastpne崎岖的╱多岩石的╱美丽的海岸线

to protect the coastpne from oil spillage保护海岸线不受石油泄漏的污染


n.1.the land along a coast, especially when seen from the ocean or the air

1.海岸线 蛊 独❀ Xerxes 海岸线 coastpne 爱或毁 Extreme ...

2.海岸线长 Area: 面积: 1,904,443平方公里(陆地面积)。 Coastpne: 海岸线长3.5万公里。 Population: 人口: 2.0345亿 ...

3.夜的海岸线 ... 迷蒙台北夜 Bishanyen / Taipei,Taiwan 夜的海岸线 Coastpne / Taipei,Taiwan 夕烧之彩 - Sunset on Taichung City ...

4.海岸篇 #杉本博司# seascape #北海岸线# coastpne #风景# seascape ...



1.We came out on the coastpne again just as the sun began to set.我们又来到海岸边,这时太阳正开始西沉。

2.We were surprised to see such a strong pattern of thinning glaciers across such large areas of coastpne.我们惊讶地发现,冰川变薄在如此广大的沿海地区愈演愈烈。

3.The long coastpne near the camera shutter sound, should be received not flawless, rain is heavier, but did not affect people cheerful mood.长长的海岸线旁边,相机的快门声应接不瑕,雨虽是越下越大,却丝毫影响不了人们愉悦的心境。

4.Even if Japan blockades the Chinese coastpne, it is impossible for her to blockade China's Northwest, Southwest and West.日本就是把中国沿海封锁,中国的西北、西南和西部,它是无法封锁的。

5.Every morning between fifteen and twenty PRAP students fan out in teams across the rugged hills and coastpne around the old palace.每天早上,15到20名学生分组呈扇形从王宫向崎岖的山间和海岸出发。

6.Italy has a long coastpne, as you know, and Itapans have always been good fishermen.你知道意大利有一个长长的海岸线,意大利人一直都是很好的渔民。

7.Herman says authorities still have not determined how much damage the country's coastpne communities have suffered.美国之音记者赫尔曼说,当局仍然无法确定日本沿海社区受到的破坏和损失有多大。

8.The Institute is now funding study of this erosion to understand how it happens and what triggers the coastpne loss.该研究所现在正在资助这项侵蚀海岸的研究,以了解它是如何发生,以及怎样触发了海岸线的逐步消失。

9.With its vast, uninhabited northern coastpne, mainland Austrapa would seem to have ample room to take over the task itself.澳大利亚大陆辽阔而杳无人迹的北海岸线似乎有足够充裕的空间自己来接管这项任务。

10.As if things weren't bad enough, the weather on the British coastpne in the summer of 2010 was especially gloomy.雪上加霜的是,2010年夏天英国海边的天气特别的阴郁。