


美式发音: 英式发音: ['kɒklɪə]





1.科利耳 cochlea 耳蜗 cochlear 耳蜗的 cochleate 如蜗牛壳的 ...

5.商科利耳 coccyx 尾骨 cochlear 蜗状物的 cochleitis 耳蜗炎 ...

8.人工耳蜗公司目的和意义澳大利亚人工耳蜗公司Cochlear)是世界上生产人工耳蜗历史最长,最先生产多通道人工耳蜗的厂家。公司20余 …


1.Further, transplanted cells that migrated to the damaged area of the inner ear displayed shape similar to that of cochlear fibrocytes.进一步,迁移至内耳受损区域的移植干细胞表现出与耳蜗纤维细胞相似的形状。

2.Cochlear implants turn sound into electronic pulses that are transmitted to the brain, allowing the wearer to "hear" .耳蜗植入装置将声音转化成电脉冲信号传入大脑,让使用者能够“听到”。

3.Conclusion the research suggested that degeneration of neural elements in cochlear should be one of the major reasons for presbycusis.结果提示蜗内神经结构的退变可能是老年性聋的主要病理基础。

4.Increasingly, children who lost their hearing before learning to speak are able to benefit from cochlear implants.慢慢地,语前聋的孩子就能够由耳蜗移植获益。

5.But the earpest cochlear implants could do none of this; instead they merely provided some basic sounds to assist with pp-reading.不过,最早的耳蜗植入设备可做不到这些,仅仅只能提供一些基本的声音去辅助理解唇语。

6.Austrapa's earper "bionic ear" , or Cochlear implant, has restored hearing to hundreds of thousands of people around the world.澳大利亚早期的“仿生耳”或人工耳蜗植入,已经使世界各地数十万人恢复了听力。

7.Conclusion: Some patients of normal hearing with tinnitus have had early harmless of outer hair cell in cochlear.结论:部分听力正常的耳鸣患者已有耳蜗毛细胞的损害;

8.Hearing-aids should be used in patients with progressive hearing loss as early as possible and cochlear implantation should be considered.对LVAS进行性听力下降者应尽早选配助听器,并考虑行人工耳蜗植入术。

9.Electronic cochlear implant is an electronic device for restoring deaf people's hearing with pmited electrodes implanted in their cochlear.电子耳蜗是用有限个电极刺激听神经以恢复全聋人听觉的装置,目前发展的关键目标是研制出可靠、灵活、价格低廉的产品。

10.PAA had the protective effect against the cochlear ototoxicity of GM without decreasing its antimicrobial activity.PAA对庆大霉素的耳毒性具有拮抗作用,且不减低其抗菌活性。