





1.椰子汁 coconut milk 椰奶 coconut water 椰子汁 cold storage 冷藏 ...

2.椰子水固态胚乳之初, 内部的胚乳全为液态 也就是所谓的 椰子水 (coconut water) 椰子水中内含许多游离之细胞核, 应属胚乳种类中 …

3.椰汁 coconut timber 椰木 coconut water 椰汁 cod 鳕鱼 ...

4.椰水 cocktail 鸡尾酒 coconut water 椰水 colchicine 秋水仙素 ...

5.椰青水香中调就利用了令人迷恋的茉莉花(Jasmine)、椰青水(Coconut Water)和橙花(Orange Blossom),最后的后调用弥漫著柔润云 …

6.椰子甘露当然唔系新鲜架喇... 系纸包装架.. 都系100% juice. 大肚甘耐都唔饮得, 坐月又唔饮 …


1.Jelly and ice cream: To make coconut jelly, the second texture, he mixes gelatin with a bit of water before adding coconut water.果冻和冰激凌:该做第二层的椰肉果冻了,他将明胶与少许水混合,再加入椰汁。

2.Water, pandan leaves, kaffir pme, lemongrass, galangal and chip all go into a stock that is laced with a touch of coconut water.把水、香兰叶、泰国柠檬、柠檬草、高良姜和辣椒全部放进加了椰子汁的高汤。

3.You can drink your coconut water chilled on its own or add a squeeze of pme to brighten it up.你可以直接冷藏饮用,也可加一点酸橙汁给它调味。

4.And it was a hot day and he said, "Hey, would you pke some fresh coconut water? "它是一个炎热的一天,他说:“嗨,你想喝一些新鲜椰子水吗?”

5.One champagne and one coconut water for the ladies and two draught Qingdao beer.两个女士要一杯香槟和一杯椰子汁,再来两杯散装青岛啤酒。

6.Thousands of people gathered to witness Hazare breaking his fast, cheering as the 74-year-old sipped coconut water.数千人齐聚一堂,见证Hazare打破他快速欢呼,为74岁的喝着椰子水。

7.Coconut water has a ton of health benefits. It's a sterile source of clean water, useful for survival hydration.椰子汁是绝对安全的水质,可以帮助体内完成生存所必需的水合作用。

8.This week Mr Hazare halted his strike with a cup of honeyed coconut water after the government agreed to pass tougher laws against graft.本周,在政府同意通过更为严格的反对贪腐法律后,哈扎尔停止了绝食抗议,喝了一杯蜂蜜椰子汁。

9.Coconut water (CW) had function of enhancing growth.椰乳有改善丛芽或苗生长的作用。

10.Luckily, you can find cans or boxes of coconut water at most natural food stores.好在你可以在大多数的天然食物商店里找到罐装或盒装的椰子汁。