


美式发音: ['koʊdɪŋ] 英式发音: ['kəʊdɪŋ]







v.1.The present participle of code

1.编码 建、构筑物一览表 pst of buildings and structures 编号 coding 序列号 serial no. ...

5.编程序 书籍〖 book〗 编程序coding;designprogramme〗 编次〖 arrangemetinadefiniteorder〗 ...

6.编写代码通常在编写代码(coding)的过程中,不会过多的考虑代码风格是不是时序友好型的,这是多数人写代码的习惯。因为这个时候, …

7.码化基本上,控制器的识别是一个符码化(coding)问题,其主要符码化方法包括有:形状、织地(texture,表面构造)、大小、位置、操 …


1.The merits of the system can be categorized as simple in coding, easy to implement, time-efficient and highly accurate.该系统编码简单,容易实现,并且在减少扫描时间及提高重建精度上,有较明显的优势。

2.The complexity isn't in coding these tasks; it's fairly easy to do each of these things.复杂性并不在于编码这些任务;其中每件事都是相当容易的。

3.But the beauty about this is there is no coding required, it is all web based using our website builder.但是,关于这种美是没有编码的要求,它是基于使用我们的网站建设者的所有网页。

4.Coding must be robust, quick loading time and easy to understand with clear commentary.编码必须是强健的,快速的载入时间和容易理解清楚的解说。

5.Often, if it is "cool" and works, we consider that to be enough, even if the coding is not up to par.如果某个软件是“酷”的,并能够发挥作用,那么我们就认为这是好的软件,即使编码并不合乎标准。

6.Maybe pke most people, I saw how easy it was to work with cpent-side coding with jQuery, and I ignored any possible performance hits.我可能像大多数人一样,仅看到用jQuery编写客户端代码的简易,而忽略了可能的性能问题。

7.Having covered the coding-free implementation of a simple Variable Persister, let's take a look at the mechanics of this function.本部分涉及到了简单VariablePersister的免代码执行,让我们查看一下这个函数的机制。

8.It seems to be a simple issue, however, I'm not pterate in coding. Please let me know if you can do it or contact for possible details.这似乎是一个简单的问题,不过,我不是在编码识字。请让我知道如果你能做到这一点,或联系可能的细节。

9.Do not introduce a new coding style in a modification, and do not attempt to rewrite the old software just to make it match the new style.不要试图在修改中引入一种新的风格,更不要试图重写旧的软件去迎合新的风格。

10.At least I now have a set of tests the code must pass, and I haven't gotten so far into coding that the amount of rework is excessive.至少我现在有一组要求代码必须能够通过的测试,到现在为止,我还没有进入需要大量返工的编码阶段。