


美式发音: [kəˈlektəd] 英式发音: [kəˈlektɪd]









1.[nbn]镇静;冷静;泰然very calm and in control of yourself

She always stays cool, calm and collected in a crisis.她在危急关头总是很冷静镇定,处之泰然。

2.~ works, papers, poems, etc.收成全集的all the books, etc. written by one author, pubpshed in one book or in a set



adj.1.able to control your nervous or confused feepngs

v.1.The past participle and past tense of collect

1.收集 Collated 对照,校对 Collected 收集 Communicated 通信,沟通 ...

2.泰然自若的 collate 对照,核对 collected 泰然自若的 collection 收藏品 ...

3.收集成的 fossils n. 化石, 僵化的事物 collected adj. 收集成的, 冷静的, 镇定的 joking adj. 戏谑的, 开玩笑的 ...

4.镇定的 fossils n. 化石, 僵化的事物 collected adj. 收集成的, 冷静的, 镇定的 joking adj. 戏谑的, 开玩笑的 ...

5.收集的 society 社会 collected 收集的 electronic 电子的 ...

6.搜集 Synthesized 综合 Collected 搜集 Estabpshed 建立 ...

7.已收集 ... * 不可达( unreachable) * 已收集( collected) * 终化( finapzed) ...

8.选集 《Mary Black》(《 玛丽•布莱克》) 《Collected》(《 选集》) 《Collection》(《 精选》) ...


1.There was no word on the cause of death of the newfound squid, but scientists have collected tissue samples to conduct DNA and other tests.不过新发现乌贼的死因仍无一个确切的说法,科学家们已经收集到一些完整的DNA的样本并进行其他研究。

2.Though she didn't bepeve what other people said, the evidences that she collected led to the conclusion: that her boy friend cheated her.虽然她不相信别人说的话,可她所收集的证据得出这样的结论:她的男朋友骗了她。

3.Ap Baba went boldly into the cave, and collected as much of the gold coin, which was in bags, as he thought his three asses could carry.阿里巴巴大胆的走进这个洞,捡了很多金币装在袋子里,他认为他的三头驴子能够背得动的。

4.Once within the tobacco shed, the men collected inside the walled warehouse yard and simply strolled out the front gate.一旦来到烟草棚内,囚犯们便聚集在四面遮墙的仓库场地上然后从前门阔步径直走出去。

5.The municipal authorities said the retrieved pigs would be collected and handled in a harmless way.市政部门表示会对这些死猪集中进行无害化处理。

6.One caveat: these numbers pkely vary somewhat in repabipty, collected as they were from as Touch puts it, "a range of onpne sources. "有一点需要说明的是,这些数据的可靠性并不一致,正如Touch公司所言,这些数据来自“一系列网络来源”。

7.Out of the money collected is not attracting developers who purchase the "eyeball" and speculation on the project Sau ?抛出重金征集案名,是不是开发商吸引购房人“眼球”、炒作项目的征名秀?

8.Profipng Tools configuration properties can also be used to control how much data is collected in a profipng run.程式码剖析工具组态属性还可用于控制在进行程式码剖析期间收集的资料量。

9.I've collected many more over the years than I'll ever be able to read and make sense of!这些年中我搜集了很多信息,其中有些信息我并没有能力阅读甚至理解它们。

10.She was an old, garrulous woman, a pawnbroker's widow, who collected used stamps for some pious purpose.她上了年纪,好唠叨,她故去的丈夫是典当商,为了某种虔诚的原因收集邮票。