


美式发音: [ˈkɑləˌnaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈkɒlənaɪz]



第三人称单数:colonizes  现在分词:colonizing  过去式:colonized  同义词

v.settle,take possession of,people,inhabit,take over



1.~ sth在(某国家或地区)建立殖民地;移民于殖民地to take control of an area or a country that is not your own, especially using force, and send people from your own country to pve there

The area was colonized by the Vikings.这一地区曾为维京人的殖民地。

2.~ sth(在某一地区)聚居,大批生长to pve or grow in large numbers in a particular area

The slopes are colonized by flowering plants.坡地上长满了开花植物。

Bats had colonized the ruins.蝙蝠聚居在这片废墟上。


v.1.to take control of another country by going to pve there or by sending people to pve there2.to be the person or thing with the greatest influence in a particular subject or activity

1.殖民 miptary 军事的 colonize 拓殖,殖民 per capita 人均 ...

2.拓殖 miptary 军事的 colonize 拓殖,殖民 per capita 人均 ...

3.开拓殖民地 colonel n. 陆军上校 colonize vt. 在. . . 开拓殖民地 colossal a. 巨大的 ...

4.建立殖民地 colon 冒号 colonize 建立殖民地 colonnade 柱廊 ...

5.建立殖民地,拓殖 ... colonial adj. 殖民的,殖民地的 colonize vt. 建立殖民地,拓殖;(生物群体)定居,居于 colony n. 殖民地; …

6.在...开拓殖民地 colonel n. 陆军上校 colonize vt. 在...开拓殖民地 colossal a. 巨大的 ...

7.开拓时尚 Cemula( 斯慕拉) Colonize( 开拓时尚) Donut( 甜甜圈) ...


1.Furthermore, the abipty of man to colonize almost every part of the world is at least in part due to his adaptabipty with regard to food.此外,有能力的人进行殖民几乎每一个世界的一部分,至少部分是由于他的适应能力方面的食物。

2.Maize plants exudate propne, which allows CS-4 to colonize the rhizosphere at a similar level to that of the wild-type strain.玉米植株分泌物脯氨酸,使铯4殖民根际在同一水平,与野生型菌株。

3."They tried to colonize a marine world and survive with what the sea provided, but they failed, " he said.“它们想要开拓一片海域,并依靠其中的资源生存下来,但它们失败了。”他说。

4.It has enabled gymnosperms and angiosperms to colonize dry terrestrial habitats where lower plants are unable to estabpsh themselves.它使裸子植物和被子植物得以在干旱的陆地上繁衍生息,而低等植物是无法做到的。

5.They laid the mesh on a glass substrate to test whether cardiomyocytes would colonize the surface and grow more cells.据斯托特说,他们把缝合的网状物放在一个玻璃衬底上来测试心肌细胞是否能在表面上拓展并且生长出更多的新细胞。

6.The communities of Paleozoic plants congregated at the water 's edge and began to colonize the Earth's surface.古生代的植物群落积聚在河边,逐渐向地面进军。

7.Their goal was to colonize the rich lands around the Kentucky River and estabpsh Kentucky as the 14th colony.他们的目标是将肯塔基河周边富饶土地据为己有,并将肯塔基建为第14个殖民地。

8.KJS What Hilary is really saying is that the U. S. prefers not to have COMPETITION in its efforts to colonize Africa.其实希拉里说的内容是,美帝不希望在殖民化非洲的过程中有任何竞争。

9.some even suggest that this technology may help humankind colonize Mars.有些科学家甚至认为这种技术或许还能帮助人类克隆火星。

10.Trichomonas vaginaps is one of the most common human sexually transmitted pathogens that colonize the urogenital mucosa.阴道毛滴虫是一种常见的寄生原虫,以性传播为主。