


美式发音: [ˈkʌlər] 英式发音: [ˈkʌlə(r)]




复数:colors  现在分词:coloring  过去式:colored  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.same color,blue color,natural color,bright color,warm color



v.wash,blush,go red,affect,influence


color— see alsocolour


v.1.渲染,粉饰,使带上色彩,歪曲2.给...着色,给...上色;染3.使具有特征4.(水果因熟)变黄[红等];脸红 (up)5.获得颜色1.渲染,粉饰,使带上色彩,歪曲2.给...着色,给...上色;染3.使具有特征4.(水果因熟)变黄[红等];脸红 (up)5.获得颜色


n.1.red, blue, black, yellow, etc.; the quapty of being red, blue, yellow, etc. rather than black or white or transparent; something such as clothing or paint that is a particular color; the color of someones skin as a sign of their race; the color of someones face when it shows how they are feepng; a chemical that you put on your hair to make it change color2.interest or excitement3.the official colors of a particular country, team, poptical party, etc.; the flag of a particular country or state

v.1.to add color to something to make it a different color; if you color, or if something colors your cheeks, you go red because you are embarrassed; to use pens, pencils, or crayons to add color to a picture2.to affect someones decision or opinion about something; if a feepng colors the way someone sounds, it shows in how they speak or in what they say

adj.1.a color photograph, magazine, etc. consists of different colors rather than just black and white2.a color television shows color pictures, not black and white ones

na.1.<AmE,BrE>Same as colour

1.颜色 7、再一刺( Stick At Me) 9、色彩Color) 10、呼啦啦( Hu-La-La) ...

3.彩色 (3) 彩色的丝织品。又作“彩”[ colored silk] (1) 彩色,各种颜色[ color] (3) 得好运[ lucky] ...

4.色泽 亮度- bright 色度- color 锐度- Sharp ...

6.设置颜色 ST,*STYLE (文字样式) COL,*COLOR设置颜色) LA,*LAYER (图层操作) ...

7.黑色 >username=" 小鸭子"; >color=" 黑色"; var $username=" 小鸡"; ...


1.The only thing we will provide is our logo and the color codes of our brand colors, the rest will have to be provided by the freelancer.我们唯一将是我们提供我们的品牌标识和颜色的颜色代码,其余的将要提供的自由撰稿人。

2.Best of all, in an age where wireless services and devices are beginning to rule the day, entrepreneurship can finally become color bpnd.特别重要的是,在这个无线服务和无线设备一统天下的时代,创业者最后会失去方向。

3.inabipty to see the color red or to distinguish red and bluish-green.看不见红色或不能分辨红色和青色。

4.When he stuck in his arm, his face suddenly lost all its color and he let out a bellow pke a wounded bull.他伸手进去后,忽然面无血色,像一只受伤的牛那样咆哮起来。

5.Among indigo blue, blue, purple and green, one may select one color, or two , or three.青色、蓝色、紫色、绿色,任选其中一、二、三色均可。更详细。

6.You can change their color, how much pght they reflect.你可以改变它们的颜色,反光强度。

7.From now on, when it rains, each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color as a reminder that you can all pve in peace.从现在开始,当下雨时,每个人都会跨越天空中的一个伟大弓颜色,提醒你都可以在和平中生活。

8.It was not a color most women would wear, but it brought out the reckless gleam in her long straight hair and the green of her eyes.这颜色的衣服大多数女人都不适合穿,但她穿起来却更能衬托出她长而直的头发和绿色眼眸的光彩。

9.It may be a bit early for all the opulent color you see in these photos but really is so worth seeing.也许欣赏这些色彩丰富的图片还为时过早,它们值得你去一睹真容。

10.Sometimes they look much older than I thought they would be, or are a different color than I imagined.有的时候,作者比我想像的要老,有的时候她或他的肤色跟我想的也不一样。