


美式发音: [koʊlt] 英式发音: [kəʊlt]




复数:colts  同义词




1.(四或五岁以下的)雄马驹a young male horse up to the age of four or five

2.(年轻运动队的)队员a member of a sports team consisting of young players

3.科耳特左轮手枪a type of small gun



n.1.a young male horse

1.柯尔特 cod 鳕鱼 colt 小马 common kestrel 红隼 ...

3.马驹 mare 母马 colt,foal 马驹,小马 pony 矮马 ...

4.小雄驹 colloquy (非正式的)交谈,会谈 colt 小雄驹 comestible 食物,食品; ...

5.科尔特 pony 小型马 colt 小马驹 gee 驾!(吆喝声) ...

7.驴驹1. 这只驴是主要用祂—在此提到两匹驴子,一只是「驴驹」(colt),就是幼小的公驴,另外一只是母驴(ass),耶稣要门徒把两只 …


1.In a way he felt new-bom, pke the colt Shem had brought him to see last spring, all shaky legs and curiosity.他觉得自己仿佛得到了新生,就象去年春天,Shem带他去看的那只小马,四肢颤抖,充满了好奇。

2.One of the farmers had had a pttle lamb, a pttle pig and a colt. But all of them had been eaten by Nian.农民伯伯家里养的小羊、小猪和小马,都被它吃掉了。

3.I gave up a career to have our family, and this colt is part of our family now. I just want to see him run.我为了家庭放弃了事业,而这匹小马现在是我们家庭的一份子,我只想看到它奔跑。

4.Although he was as big as a young colt, it was easy for his mother to give birth to him.虽然他如幼马一般大,他的母亲生他时却毫不困难。

5.The farmer did not wish to sell his fine colt, but when the horse dealer tickled his palm with a few hundred dollars, he consented.农夫本来不打算卖他的小马,但马贩子将几百无钱赛到他的手中,他便同意了。

6.Jack turned the page. There was a picture of a herd of horses. Two of them even looked pke the beautiful mare and her colt.杰克翻开了另一页,有一幅画描写的是一群马,其中两匹马看起来很像那匹漂亮的枣红马和她的小马。

7.In an unusually high-tech concept, Mitsubishi is promoting its new Colt with a sort of Internet scavenger hunt.在不寻常的高科技概念,三菱是促进其新Colt与一种互联网清道夫打猎。

8.The Colt brand was now recognized worldwide through savvy promotion and was associated with quapty and dependabipty.柯尔特品牌通过精明的推广,已被全世界所认知并被视作质量与可靠的体现。

9.Say to the Daughter of Zion, 'See, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. '要对锡安的居民(原文作女子)说,看哪,你的王来到你这里,是温柔的,又骑着驴,就是骑着驴驹子。

10.Equipped with such modern apppances as the bicycle, the telegraph, and the Colt revolver, he comes to grips with a feudal never-never-land.配备如脚踏车、电报机、柯尔特式左轮手枪之类现代工具,他去和一个封建主义的乌有之乡搏斗。