


网络释义:中国商用飞机有限责任公司;中国商飞;中国商用飞机公司(Commercial Aircraft Corp.)


1.中国商用飞机有限责任公司继中国商用飞机有限责任公司(COMAC)和庞巴迪公司于2011年3月24日签署《合作框架协议》后,今天,中国商飞董事长金壮 …

2.中国商飞中国商飞COMAC)公司的职员工资基本和640持平,上飞厂,要比640低一个档次。而据COMAC领导的精神指示,未来将实 …

3.中国商用飞机公司(Commercial Aircraft Corp.)中国商用飞机公司(Comac)宣布又获得50架大飞机的订单,但同时也承认仍在为实现大飞机首飞而努力。中国商飞是空客(Airbus…

4.中国商用飞机有限公司同为国有的中国商用飞机有限公司Comac)和俄罗斯Irkut以及加拿大庞巴迪(Bombardier),正研发一百五十个座位的短途 …


6.高美高美Comac)电瓶驱动手推式全自动洗地机 Abila20B[信息已过期] offer详细描述:3 offer详细描述:4 产品搜索 产品分类 暂 …

7.中国商用飞机责任有限公司该公司将参加一个集体访问团,旨在针对中国商用飞机责任有限公司COMAC)推出的中型飞机C-919项目与中方进行交流, …


1.While that would be a disastrous debut for a privately owned company, state-owned Comac has been able to chalk it up to experience.尽管对于一家私人所有的公司来说,这可能是一个灾难性的首次亮相,但国有的中国商飞却可以把它归因于经验不足。

2.Initially at least, Comac's ambitious goal will not bring it into direct competition with Airbus and Boeing.中国商飞雄心勃勃的目标至少在一开始不会让它直接与空客和波音发生竞争。

3.The base is one of the COMAC's three key entities for large aircraft design, manufacturing and service.该中心是中国商飞大型飞机设计,制造和服务的三个关键实体之一。

4.And Comac's position in the market has at least one major company seeking to share resources.而且Comac在市场中又多了一个大公司进行资源的共享。

5.Industry executives said at this stage the Comac orders seemed to be only statements of intent rather than firm sales.业界高管表示,现阶段,中国商飞的这些订单似乎只是意向书,而非实际销售交易。

6.With Comac, 'it's not clear how that works, and I doubt they would discuss those details, ' the foreign executive says.这位高管说,Comac是什么情况尚不清楚,我怀疑他们不会讨论这些细节。

7.Comac, in particular, is also grapppng with its ARJ21 regional jet programme even as it dedicates vast resources to the C919.尤其是商飞,他们在C919项目上投入大量资源下还要努力应对ARJ21支线客机项目。

8.Once the airplane is in production, CFM will maintain a presence with Comac to support production and depvery, " says CFM. "一旦飞机开始生产,CFM将同中国商飞一起对生产和交付提供支持。

9.CFM expects to complete the final Leap-X configuration in 2011, and is in discussions in Comac on the powerplant's requirements.CFM期望2011年完成Leap-X的最终配置,在动力系统要求上正与中国商飞洽谈中。

10.In partnerships with Comac subsidiary Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Company and Shanghai Aviation Electric.将同中国商飞附属上海飞机制造公司和上海航空电子合作。