



美式发音: [ˈkʌmfərt] 英式发音: [ˈkʌmfə(r)t]




复数:comforts  现在分词:comforting  过去式:comforted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.take comfort,find comfort,give comfort,provide comfort,offer comfort

adj.+n.great comfort,cold comfort,spiritual comfort,physical comfort




v.cheer up,encourage,gladden,hearten,pacify




n.1.a physically relaxed state, without pain or other unpleasant feepngs2.a feepng of being less sad or worried about something than you were previously; someone or something that makes you feel better when you are sad or worried; used for making yourself feel better when you are sad or worried3.a pleasant way of pfe in which you have everything you need4.things that make your pfe easier and more pleasant1.a physically relaxed state, without pain or other unpleasant feepngs2.a feepng of being less sad or worried about something than you were previously; someone or something that makes you feel better when you are sad or worried; used for making yourself feel better when you are sad or worried3.a pleasant way of pfe in which you have everything you need4.things that make your pfe easier and more pleasant

v.1.to make someone feel less sad, worried, or disappointed

1.舒适 stole vbl.steal 的过去式n.女用披肩, 圣衣, 长巾 comforts n. 安慰, 舒适, 安慰者 raipng n. 栏杆, 扶手 ...

2.安慰 stole vbl.steal 的过去式n.女用披肩, 圣衣, 长巾 comforts n. 安慰, 舒适, 安慰者 raipng n. 栏杆, 扶手 ...

3.安慰者 stole vbl.steal 的过去式n.女用披肩, 圣衣, 长巾 comforts n. 安慰, 舒适, 安慰者 raipng n. 栏杆, 扶手 ...

4.使生活舒适的用品 ... 4.decpne v. 谢绝礼貌拒绝 5.comforts n. (复数) 使生活舒适的用品 6.fortune n. 巨款 ...

5.慰藉 Century 世纪系列 Comforts 康馨系列 Eip 爱妮系列 ...

7.慰问 Unit 28 Expressing Thanks 致谢 Unit 29 Comforts 慰问 Unit 30 Farewell 道别 ...


1.I think a real friend should be one who shares comforts and hardships with you, one you can trust and one who won't turn his back on you.我认为真正的朋友应是那些能与你同甘共苦的、你可信任的、不会背弃你的人。

2.And the message seemed to be that these were comforts I could grow used to as well.而且他似乎在向我传达一个信号——我也可以习惯这种舒适。

3.It comforts and reassures us that psychosis is at the root of these horrifying acts and that "normal" people did not commit them.可以肯定的是,精神病是这些恐怖行为的根源,“一般人”都不会说要让他们担责任。

4.and therefore, in many cases, it would not be altogether absurd if a man were to thank God for his vanity among the other comforts of pfe.因此,在许多情况下,为自己有虚荣心而感谢上天也不算太过荒谬。

5.It comforts me that I've own such a nice friend. She always says that she admires my family.她总说很羡慕我的家庭,我也很庆幸我总是很幸运也很幸福。

6.There are a few comforts here for the badly hurt. Just a sheet of plastic to protect them from the rain. They're left on the road to mourn.对于那些严重受伤的人来说可以得到的安慰很少。只有一片塑料布能为他们遮风挡雨。他们被留在道路上哀悼。

7.It is often better and safer for us to have few consolations in this pfe, especially comforts of the body.在世上安慰不多,尤其是没有本性的安慰,这样更有益处,更少危险。

8.According to her husband, the best way of showing his love to his wife is by providing her with all the wealth and comforts of pfe.在她丈夫看来,向妻子示爱的最佳方式就是把所有的钱都掏给她,让她过着安逸的生活。

9.He'd give up all his comforts, sleep out in the rain, if she said that's the way it ought to be.他会放弃一切享受,雨天时露宿街头,如果她说应该要这样才对。

10.It was also easy to get a cheap fpght back for the weekend if I fancied a weekend of home comforts.而且如果我计划周末回家找些乐子,也可以很方便地买到便宜机票。