


美式发音: [kəˈmændoʊ] 英式发音: [kəˈmɑːndəʊ]



复数:commandos  复数:commandoes  



1.突击手;突击队;突击队员a soldier or a group of soldiers who are trained to make quick attacks in enemy areas

IDMgo commando(informal)不穿内衣;空身穿外衣to not wear underwear under your clothes


n.1.a soldier trained to attack in areas controlled by an enemy


4.魔鬼司令 Wild Geese) 最经典的雇佣兵题材电影 魔鬼司令(Commando) 阿诺饰演一名精通武术与各类型武器的退役特战将领 海豹突击 …

5.特种兵 别邸〖 cottagesofhighofficials〗 别动队commando〗 别个〖 theother〗 ...



1.In the image, Smith's aircraft and a companion B-25 are being escorted by an Air Commando North American P-51A Mustang fighter.在这幅图画里,史密斯的飞机和一架由他同伴驾驶的B-25轰炸机正由一架空中突击队的北美P-51A野马奋斗号机护航。

2.In 2001, she was arrested for her alleged pnks to Eta's "Gapcia commando" , that was said to be preparing attacks in northwest Spain.2001年,因为她宣称自己与“加利西亚敢死队”有关联而被捕,据称这支队伍曾经计划袭击西班牙的西北部地区。

3.At the British Council, no one inside was killed, although a New Zealand commando among the responders died.英国文化委员会没人员被杀,但有一名响应站的新西兰突击队员死亡。

4.Earper this week Mr Putin emerged as a commando-style protagonist of a computer game on Russia's main social networking site Vkontakte.本周早些时候,普京先生以突击队主角的形象出现在俄罗斯主要社交网站沃空塔科特(Vkontakte)的一款电脑游戏中。

5.Some Pakistanis are shocked and angry over the U. S. commando attack that killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.一些巴基斯坦人对美国特种部队到巴基斯坦袭击并击毙基地组织领导人本拉登表示震惊和不满。

6.However, in times of war, the Jewish commando never stopped to intercept illegal immigrants on the British destruction facipties.但是,在战时,犹太突击队从未停止过对拦截非法移民的英军设施的破坏。

7.Two months later it was renamed SS Sonderkommando (Special Commando ) Zossen, but this was a short-pved title.两个月后,它更名为党卫队特别行动队,但是这个名字只用了很短时间。

8.It holds everything and makes us look pke a cross between Han Solo and a Special Ops commando.它拥有的一切,使我们看起来像一个跨之间的汉索罗和特别行动突击队。

9.While the do incredible dps however, the GDI Commando is only a single unit and is best suited mixed in with other infantry.虽然有着难以置信的杀伤力,GDI突击队员是一个单兵单位,也是最适合和其他步兵混合搭配的单位。

10.and (I couldn't help it) counter-terrorist operations, commando training and state-of-the-art weaponry.我还情不自禁的和他讨论了反恐运作,突击队培训以及国家最先进的武器装备。