


美式发音: [kəˈmensmənt] 英式发音: [kə'mensmənt]



复数:commencements  同义词反义词






the commencement of the financial year财政年度的开始

2.学位授予典礼;毕业典礼a ceremony at which students receive their academic degrees or diplomas


n.1.the beginning of something2.a graduation ceremony

1.毕业典礼 commencement ? n. 开始 commencement n. 毕业典礼 commend ? vt. 委托给,推荐嘉奖 ...

2.开始 comity ???????? n. 礼让, 礼仪 commencement ? n. 开始 commencement n. 毕业典礼 ...

3.学位授予典礼 commence v. 开始 commencement n. 开始;学位授予典礼(日);毕业典礼(日) commerce n…

4.生效日期 土地(矿区)使用费 royalties 开工 commencement 延误 delay ...

6.毕业式 ... 理论教育学 theoreticalpedagogy 毕业式 commencement 通艺学科;博艺学科 pberalarts ...

7.学位颁授典礼 ... upset: 推翻,颠覆,使不安 commencement学位颁授典礼 founding: 弃儿 ...

8.协议生效 争议的解决 Dispute Resolution 协议生效 Commencement 其它协议 Other provisions ...


1.He gave the commencement address today and said the country is counting on them more than any other group of young people.他今天在毕业典礼上致辞并说国家现在依赖于他们胜过于依赖其它任何青年人。

2.It is always an honor to be invited to speak at the commencement of a prestigious school pke Cheung Kong (Changjiang).能够被长江商学院这样的名校邀请在毕业典礼上给大家做演讲,是我的荣幸。

3.I'm uh. . . honored to be with you today for your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world.今天我非常荣幸来参加你们的毕业典礼,斯坦福是世界上最好的大学之一

4.Each time I give a commencement speech I feel pke a bit of a fraud.每次获邀在典礼上致词,总免不了有一些招摇撞骗的感觉。

5.Course withdrawal before commencement is only entitled to 80% fee refund, withdrawal after commencement will not be entitled to any refunds.开课之前退学,将退还80%的所缴学费;开课之后退学,所缴学费概不退还。

6.The attack, from its commencement to its termination, had not occupied an hour.这场攻击,从头到底,还不到一个小时。

7.I'm honored to be with you today for your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world.很荣幸能和你们,来自世界最好大学之一的毕业生们,一块儿参加毕业典礼。

8.However, the meaning of the ceremony, as the name suggests, is one of the beginning, not end. This is a commencement.不过这个典礼的真正含义正如其名称所显示的,是一个开端,而不是结束。

9.One year after my return from Cambridge, I was at it again, in a Commencement Address at my high school alma mater.我从哈佛毕业回国一年后,又不得不再次来到美国。

10.At my own commencement ceremony several protesting students tried to take over the podium and had to be removed by class marshals.在我自己的毕业典礼上,几个抗议的学生试图霸占讲台,但最终被拉下台。