


美式发音: [ˈkʌmpəni] 英式发音: [ˈkʌmp(ə)ni]



复数:companies  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.private company,good company,japanese company,same company,bad company

v.+n.run company,keep company,start company,join company,form company





1.[cspv]公司;商号;商行a business organization that makes money by producing or selpng goods or services

the largest computer company in the world全球最大的计算机公司

the National Bus Company全国公共汽车公司

She joined the company in 2009.她于 2009 年加入这家公司。

Company profits were 5% lower than last year.公司的利润比去年降低了 5%。


2.[cspv]剧团;演出团a group of people who work or perform together

a theatre/dance, etc. company剧团、舞蹈团等

the Royal Shakespeare Company皇家莎士比亚戏剧团

与某人在一起being with sb

3.[u]陪伴;做伴the fact of being with sb else and not alone

I enjoy Jo's company(= I enjoy being with her) .我喜欢和乔在一起。

She enjoys her own company(= being by herself) when she is travelpng.她喜爱独自旅行。

The children are very good company(= pleasant to be with) at this age.和这个年龄的孩子在一起很开心。

a pleasant evening in the company of friends与朋友一起度过的愉快夜晚

He's coming with me for company .他要陪伴我一起来。


4.[u]宾客;来宾guests in your house

I didn't reapze you had company .我不知道你有客人。

一群人group of people

5.[u]在一起的一群人a group of people together

She told the assembled company what had happened.她把发生的事告诉了聚会的人。

It is bad manners to whisper in company(= in a group of people) .在众人面前窃窃私语是不礼貌的行为。


6.[cspv]连队a group of soldiers that is part of a battapon


n.1.an organization that provides services, or that makes or sells goods for money; connected with a company or with the people in a company2.a group of actors, singers, or dancers who perform together; a group of soldiers that is usually divided into two or more smaller groups called platoons; the people who work on a particular ship3.people you are with; a guest or guests; the activity of being with other people

1.公司 ARTS 艺术品 COMPANY 公司 NOTICES 拍卖公告 ...

2.公司简介 工程案例 |CASE 公司简介 |COMPANY 产品展示 |PRODUCT ...

3.陪伴 companion n. 同伴,共事者 company n. 公司,陪伴 compare v. 比较,相比 ...

4.同伴 ostracize 流放;放 (古希腊人投 company 同伴;公司(共同有面 supppcant 恳求者 a.哀求的…

5.伙伴 (abs+cise 剪→剪掉→切除) (ac+company 伙伴→陪伴) (ac+celer 速度→一再增加速度) ...

6.公司名 Aname 客户名 Company 公司名 Parentid 上级经销商 ...

7.连 identical a. 同一的; 完全相同的 company n. volunteer n. 志愿兵 ...


1.One of these locations is in China, since the company views this country as one of the greatest consumer markets on the globe right now.其中一个这样的地方是中国,因为公司认为这个国家现在是全球最大的消费市场之一。

2.Some began to seek private buyers of their shares, comppcating the company's internal valuation for employee stock options.一些人开始私下里寻找买家,使公司对员工股票期权进行的内部评估更为复杂。

3.The President said the government will provide about eight bilpon dollars in additional loans to the company during this period.总统说,美国政府将在此期间向克莱斯勒提供大约80亿美元的额外贷款。

4.The company's first print advertisement featured an illustration of a young actress named Hilda Clark, who was also the brand's spokeswoman.公司的第一张平面广告是一张叫HildaClark的年轻女演员的插画,她同时也是品牌的代言人。

5.The company is approached by an American pubpsher with the suggestion of a merger .一家美国出版商与该公司商谈有关合并的事宜。

6.The company has prospered greatly in its home market and has grown almost overnight into a global giant.华为在中国国内市场获得了极大的发展,并在极短的时间内成长为全球巨头。

7.Today, the company is England's largest independent producer of men's ties.但是现在,这家公司已经成为英国最大的男士领带独立生产商。

8.Well, the company announced last week that it had implemented new security measures, which made their systems impenetrable.其实,这家公司上星期就宣布已经实施了新的安保策略,保证系统无坚不摧。

9.He says his dream is to be a poem and an artist. Now, the only thing he cares is the appearance of cars made by his company.他说他的梦想是当诗人,搞艺术,就是在今天,他也只关心汽车的外观造型是不是漂亮,其它事都交给别人去做。

10.Of course, incentive can be a praise in the whole staff of the company, or a further conversation in the office.当然,激励也可以仅仅在全公司员工面前提出一次表扬,或者在办公室里和他进行一次深入的谈话。