



美式发音: [ˈkʌmpəs] 英式发音: 



复数:compasses  现在分词:compassing  过去分词:compassed  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.compass reading



n.1.罗盘; 指南针2.圆规3.〈正式〉范围; 限制4.【乐】音域1.罗盘; 指南针2.圆规3.〈正式〉范围; 限制4.【乐】音域

v.1.理解; 领悟2.将...包围3.成功办到; 完成; 得到

n.1.a piece of equipment used for finding your way, with a needle that always points Nortstrong.a piece of equipment used for drawing circles, consisting of two thin parts joined in the shape of the letter v3.<formal>the scope of sth, such as a subject or area of study4.[Music]the range of one's voice1.a piece of equipment used for finding your way, with a needle that always points Nortstrong.a piece of equipment used for drawing circles, consisting of two thin parts joined in the shape of the letter v3.<formal>the scope of sth, such as a subject or area of study4.[Music]the range of one's voice

v.1.to understand sth. fully and completely2.to encompass sth. or some place3.to achieve or attain sth.

1.罗盘 ... Who was the true heir to the throne? 谁是真正的王位继承人? Compassed 圆规 罗盘 Aside 在旁边,在 …

2.圆规 ... Who was the true heir to the throne? 谁是真正的王位继承人? Compassed 圆规 罗盘 Aside 在旁边,在 …


1.Who can have compassion on the ignorant, and on them that are out of the way; for that he himself also is compassed with infirmity.他能体谅那愚蒙的,和失迷的人,因为他自己也是被软弱所困。

2.They compassed me about pke bees; they are quenched as the fire of thorns: for in the name of the LORD I will destroy them.他们如同蜂子围绕我,好像烧荆棘的火,必被熄灭。我靠耶和华的名,必剿灭他们。

3.Suddenly enemies compassed him on all sides.敌人突然从四面八方将他包围。

4.A pttle of Egypt and Bohemia in the lower regions suited the upper spheres, and compassed the aims of the powerful.下层社会略带一点埃及和波希米亚的作风,那是上层社会所欢迎的,那样可以替当权的人解决一些问题。

5.Know now that God hath overthrown me, and hath compassed me with his net.就该知道是神倾覆我,用网罗围绕我。

6.For dogs have compassed me: A company of evil-doers have inclosed me; They pierced my hands and my feet.犬类围著我,恶党环绕我;他们扎了我的手,我的脚。

7.The system compassed make by login, identification checking and data collection of users.实现了用户登录、验证身份及用户的数据的采集。

8.He hath builded against me, and compassed me with gall and travail.他筑垒攻击我,用苦楚(原文作苦胆)和艰难围困我。

9.Who can have compassion on them that are ignorant and that err: because he himself also is compassed with infirmity.好能同情无知和迷途的人,因为他自己也为弱点所纠缠。

10.for Saul and his men compassed David and his men round about to take them.因为扫罗和跟随他的人,四面围住大卫和跟随他的人,要拿获他们。