



美式发音: [ˈkɑmpənˌseɪt] 英式发音: [ˈkɒmpənseɪt]



第三人称单数:compensates  现在分词:compensating  过去式:compensated  同义词

v.recompense,reimburse,pay off,give back,pay


v.1.赔偿,补偿2.酬劳;〈美〉给...付工钱,给...报酬3.【经】(调整金币成色以)稳定(货币的)购买力4.【物】补偿...的变差;【机】补整5.补偿;赔偿 (for)1.赔偿,补偿2.酬劳;〈美〉给...付工钱,给...报酬3.【经】(调整金币成色以)稳定(货币的)购买力4.【物】补偿...的变差;【机】补整5.补偿;赔偿 (for)

v.1.to change or remove the bad result of something; to behave in a way that is intended to reduce the effects of a personal fault2.to pay someone money because they have suffered an injury or loss; to pay someone for the work they do

1.补偿 燃烧 combustion 补偿 compensated 复杂的 comppcate ...

2.弥补弥补(made up for)它,她早早的睡 为了弥补(compensated)它,她早早 ) 了. 的睡了. 他发烧了( went down with) . ) 生活费上升了(…

3.补偿式油量控制阀 线轴阀( Spool Valves) 补偿式油量控制阀( Compensated ) 分流阀( Flow Divider ) ...

4.代偿性 一、代谢性酸中毒 metabopc acidosis ①代偿性 compensated 代偿结果 NaHCO ...

5.有补偿绕组的发电 balancing ~ 平衡发电机 compensated有补偿绕组的发电 electroplating~ 电镀用的发电机 ...

6.得到补偿多数的建筑类型和气候区而言,用于冷却的能源消耗必须得到补偿compensated)建筑各部分和设备必须满足得到加强的最 …

7.抵消 393. deteriorate: 恶化 394. compensated抵消,弥补 395. spin: 旋转 ...

8.已补偿 ... compensate; 补偿,校正 compensated已补偿 compensating current transformer; 补偿电流 …


1.However, this was more than compensated by a very strong absolute and relative performance for the Asian top-picks.然而,这种反差已远被亚洲热门股票非常强劲的绝对和相对业绩优势所弥补。

2.Those who lent to Dubai World at a premium can have no complaints if the risks for which they were compensated turn out to be real.倘若如此,迪拜世界的溢价债主所受到补偿的风险真正出现,他们就不会抱怨连连。

3.Some white farmers have left Zimbabwe, but others are still in the country fighting to get their farms back or to be compensated.一些白人农民已经离开津巴布韦,但其他仍留在那里的一直在为收回土地或领取补偿而奋斗。

4.Chiu, the social worker, is currently working with about 20 girls who are trying to leave the world of compensated dating.社会工作者Chiu始终在研究准备退出有偿约会活动的20岁上下的女孩。

5.Overall, a strong euro and a 27 per cent increase in Guangdong's exports to Europe have compensated for a weak dollar and soft US market.总体而言,欧元走强及广东对欧出口增长27%的事实,弥补了美元疲软和美国市场走软的影响。

6.The company has compensated him for the extra working time.公司对他额外工作的时间给予了补偿

7.All this adds up to an environment where people feel appreciated, recognized, challenged, and appropriately compensated.所有这一切汇总为一个人们感觉受到赞赏、得到承认、充满挑战并得到相应回报的环境。

8.There seems to be at least some poptical support for compensated organ donation.现在看来,对于器官捐献,还是有必要在政治上予以支持。

9.Her lawyer say she should be compensated both for her injuries and for the suffering she had been caused.她的律师说她不但应当得到伤害赔偿,而且还应当得到因伤害而遭受痛苦的赔偿。

10.Researchers looked for an additional mechanism that might have compensated for the increased strain of pregnancy as well.研究者过去也寻找过其他对因怀孕而造成的肌肉紧张有抵消作用的身体机制。