


美式发音: [kəmˈpitɪŋ] 英式发音: [kəmˈpiːtɪŋ]







adj.1网址被屏蔽peting arguments, claims, theories, etc. cannot all be true or cannot all be dealt with in an equal way2网址被屏蔽peting teams or organizations are all trying to win a competition

v.1.The present participle of compete

1.竞争 Compete v 竞争 Competing adj 竞争的 Competition n 竞争 ...

3.竞争性 ... Roman 罗马的 competing 抵触的,相互矛盾的 contemplative (好)沉思的,(爱)思 …

5.抵触的 ... Roman 罗马的 competing 抵触的,相互矛盾的 contemplative (好)沉思的,(爱)思 …

6.竞赛 Intensive Listening Series 强化听力系列 competing 竞争,竞赛 sports facipties 体育设施 ...

7.竞争型omas 1976)的分析,冲突处理可分五类:一.竞争型(Competing);二.逃避型(Avoiding);三.顺应型(Accommodating); …

8.竞争性的 compensation 补偿 competing 竞争性的 compile 编串起来 ...


1.The coexistence of many plant species competing for a few resources is one of the central puzzles of community ecology.许多植物种类在竞争几种资源的情况下共存是种群生态学的核心难题之一。

2.Eight men were competing for the title and a place in the Worldwide Mr Gay pageant, to be held next month in Oslo, Norway.八位选手将要竞争一个席位,来参加下课月在挪威奥斯陆举行的世界同性恋先生选美比赛。

3.Furthermore, you'll be doing this in a context where others will be competing with you and wanting the next job up.此外,你将会不断在这样的背景下与竞争对手重复这样的较量。

4.You're competing with players from all over the world but you've got to expect that at the biggest club in the world.你正在与全世界的球员竞争,但是你要知道在世界最大的俱乐部你必须承受期望。

5.James, at least, had a stable support system that kept him in one place. Competing factions moved Mayo to three schools in three states.詹姆斯至少在一个地方有稳定的训练支持系统。和不同的对手征战,梅奥去了三个州的三所学校。

6.Although competing on price is as old as mankind, the consumer is often still sensitive for price discounts and special offers.尽管价格竞争的历史几乎与人类的历史同样久远,但是,消费者至今仍然对价格折扣、特价优惠非常敏感。

7.In business, one year you might be competing ruthlessly with your rival, the next you'd both be on the same side of the fence.在商业上,你也许今年和对手残酷竞争,而明年你又同他同舟共济了。

8.Auto makers, as is often the case, must juggle competing demands.汽车制造商往往需要满足顾客各种互相冲突的需求。

9.Without the competing demands, he says, 'we might have been able to use what boom we had to greater effect. '斯坦顿说,如果没有这些互为竞争的要求,我们或许能够让手中的拦油栅发挥更大的效用。

10.Mr Madoff was no hawkish salesman. He often turned down the country club members competing to throw money at him.麦道夫先生并不是那种沿街叫卖的推销者。他时常拒绝那些争相向他抛钱的乡村俱乐部成员。