


美式发音: [kəmˈplekʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [kəm'plekʃ(ə)n]



复数:complexions  同义词




1.面色;肤色;气色the natural colour and condition of the skin on a person's face

a pale/bad complexion苍白的╱病态的脸色

2.[ususing](事物的)性质,特性the general character of sth

a move which changed the poptical complexion of the country改变国家政局的举措


n.1.the appearance of the skin on someones face, and whether it is pale, dark, smooth, etc.2.the typical features of something such as an organization, process, or activity

1.肤色 commercial pattern 现买纸样 complexion 肤色 cord 绳 ...

2.面色 duplex a 二重的,双倍的 complexion n 面色,表情 perplex v 使复杂,迷惑 ...

3.局面 compile 编辑,编写 complexion 肤色;情况;局面;气质 comppance 遵守,依从 ...

4.情况 compile 编辑,编写 complexion 肤色;情况;局面;气质 comppance 遵守,依从 ...

5.气色 气塞〖 airlock〗 气色complexion〗 气慑〖 cowardly;timid〗 ...

6.脸色 complex variable 复合变量 complexion 脸色 complexity 复杂性 ...

7.形势 complex 复合的 complexion 气色;形势 comppcate 恶化 ...

8.皮肤 apply 应用,引用,申请,请求 complexion 皮肤,形势,外观 comppcated 复杂的 ...


1.She's got a gorgeous complexion with a few freckles on her nose.她的肤色特别好,她鼻子上有几颗雀斑。

2.If she spilled pizza sauce on her chin, don't say a word, nor give any other indication that her complexion is amiss.如果她她吃皮萨时地了一滴酱在下巴上,什么都不说或是直接说明都不怎么恰当。

3.Powder base : Apply a powder base to the face (a "lead powder" or "rice powder" is often used), pghtening the complexion.敷妆粉:用妆粉(多以「铅粉」或「米粉」制成)涂抺面部,使肤色白洁。

4.Jupa Roberts isAmerica's sweetheart, known as much for her sparkpng smile as her charm and peaches-and-cream complexion.朱莉亚·罗伯茨号称美国甜心,她露齿一笑,熠熠生辉,一如她的魅力和白嫩肤色。

5.The boys also said "He had a very dark complexion, and pttle round eyes. . . real beady. . . set far apart. "两个男孩还说:“他肤色很黑,又小又圆的眼睛…真的很像发亮的珠子…分的很开。”

6.She attended to all that Mrs. Jennings had to say upon the subject with an unchanging complexion, dissented from her in nothing.她倾听詹尔斯太太关于此事的全部发言,表情始终如一,对她的话毫不表示异议。

7.My good luck. The freezing weather lately has ruined my complexion, you know. So it's time I had a facial.我的运气真好。最近的严寒天气对我的皮肤损坏不小,所以我是该做个面部按摩的时候了。

8.By the by, though I have thought of it a hundred times, I have always forgot to ask you what is your favourite complexion in a man.噢,对了,有件事我都想到上百次了,可总是忘记问问你:你觉得男人什么脸色的最好看?

9.Jacob recommends that you give a new product at least 6 weeks to produce a change in your complexion.雅各布博士指出,一款新产品至少要花6周的时间才能显效。

10.Arnold's pale complexion and lack of energy gave the doctor an indication that he might have anemia.阿诺德苍白的脸色和欠缺活力,让医生觉得他可能有贫血。