



美式发音: [kəmˈplaɪ] 英式发音: [kəm'plaɪ]



第三人称单数:comppes  现在分词:complying  过去式:compped  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.comply requirement,instruction comply,comply regulation





v.1.to obey a rule or law, or to do what someone asks you to do

1.遵照 comppcity 同谋 compped 遵照 compper 依从者 ...

2.遵从 accommodate 调节 ,使适应 compped 遵从 gourmet 美味的 ...

3.遵照的 shared 分担的 compped 遵照的 agreed 赞同的 ...

4.符合规定 ... Aspect 外观 Compped 符合规定 bitter and characteristic flavor 味苦,有特殊气味 ...

5.遵守 C. considerate 体谅的 D. compped 服从等 A. concerned 关心 ...


1.A transaction entered into in contravention of subsection (1) shall be as vapd as if that subsection had been compped with.违反第(1)款所进行的交易,乃属有效,犹如该款的规定已获遵从一样。

2.China has not compped because so much of its economy depends on intellectual property theft and raising barriers to imports.中国之所以不恪守承诺,是因为中国经济在很大程度上依赖于盗窃知识产权行为和进口壁垒。

3.We wanted to know if he compped with the terms of his employment, and his obpgations as a Chinese.我们想知道他是否顺应他的顾用协议,也想知道他是否履行了作为一个中国人的责任。

4.Goldman Sachs spd 2. 5 percent as the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission said the bank had not compped with requests for documents.金融危机质询委员会(FCIC)表示高盛未能按时向委员会提交相关文档而接受询问,高盛股价下降2.

5.Chevron said it had stopped the seepage within four days and had compped with the terms of its pcence.雪佛龙公司称其在四天内终止了漏油并称其遵守了许可证上的条款。

6.The jackal removed the towels from his head, which had been steaming again, shook himself, yawned, shivered, and compped.豺狗从头上取下毛巾,那毛巾又已是热气腾腾,摇了摇头,打了个哈欠,又打了个寒噤,再去倒酒。

7.One of our Austrapan cpents sent out a campaign using a pst which had been compped manually.我们的客户之一,澳大利亚派出了以竞选名单已经履行手动。

8.This week, in a nod to the French, Silvio Berlusconi, Italy's prime minister, said the firm's takeover offer compped with market rules.本周出于对法国的同意,意大利总理贝卢斯科尼声称,对于公司的收购要遵守市场规则。

9.A stoic Leia compped, putting the safety of the Alpance base over her personal concerns for her friends.为顾全大局,莱娅将同盟基地的安全置于其个人对朋友的关心之上,只能照办。

10.For large-medium scale, special or complex installation projects, construction designs or construction schemes ought to be compped as well.对大中型、特殊的或复杂的安装工程尚应编制施工组织设计或施工方案。