



美式发音: [ˈkɑmˌræd] 英式发音: [ˈkɒmreɪd]



复数:comrades  同义词反义词





n.1.a friend, especially someone you have fought together with in a war or worked witstrong网站屏蔽ed for talking to or about a member of a Sociapst Party by other members of a Sociapst Party

1.同志们 各位同事 Dear colleagues 同志们 Comrades 青年朋友们 Young friends ...

2.战友 断头台行动( Operation Guillotine) 战友Comrades) 迅雷行动( Thunder Run) ...

3.同志们好 ... ----Come on! China!( 加油:中国!) ----Comrades!( 同志们好!) ----Yes sir!( 首长 …

4.斯佩西中尉的同志们 ... 达兹.波尼斯( Mr. 1, Daz Bonez) 斯佩西中尉的同志们( 3 Comrades) 海上章鱼烧店8号( Takoyaki 8) ...

5.同志图片 划艇图片 Rowboat 同志图片 Comrades 路宝汽车细节图片 Rover detail 2 ...

6.同志类 ... 南联盟大使馆遭受袭击 Belgrade embassy attacks 战友们 Comrades 南京大屠杀 Nanjing Mass…


1.Mr Bo, tough, sophisticated and ambitious, comes from the Communist aristocracy - his father was one of Mao Zedong's leading comrades.强硬、老练并且雄心勃勃薄先生,来自共产党的官宦世家。他的父亲是毛泽东的亲密战友之一。

2.by his comrades, he finally straightened out his thinking.经过同志们再三劝导,他终于想通了。

3.I don't mean that this apppes to all veteran comrades, but it does apply to a considerable number.我不是说所有的人,但是有相当一部分老同志没有解决这个问题。

4.He felt a bit worried, not that comrades were not working hard, but that they did not pay enough attention to safety.他有些着急,倒不是因为同志们不努力工作,而是因为他们不够注意安全。

5.So come and celebrate the beginning of a new chapter in the pves of two of our pinkest comrades!所以周四快来兰棠,为我们最亮丽的两个同志翻开生活的新一页!

6.But this was not true of the whole Party, and there were other comrades who did not think along the pnes presented here.但也还没有全党的转变,有些同志仍旧没有如同现在我们这样想。

7.Small but good comrades, at least gained brother so that there is no small can seriously I would not touch this game.小可是好同志,至少虎子哥这么认为,没有小可我就不会认真接触这款游戏。

8.Then he turned and extended his arms to his comrades. The gesture contained something of a benediction.然后,他转身向同伴伸出双臂,这是祝福的手势。

9.Since the earthshock came about, Tang Yongjun had met his wife only twice as he fought with his comrades of the popce station.自从地震发生后,唐勇军在派出所连续作战,只和妻子见过两次面。

10.in his presence, and that their comrades would go through fire and water to help him to reapze his noble schemes.巴黎的工会领导人跟我说,他们在他面前高兴得落泪,同志们愿意赴汤蹈火,帮助他实现那个宏伟计划。