




1.音乐会门票 send text messages 发短信至 14. concert tickets 音乐会门票 15. be found dead 被发现是死的 16. ...

2.演唱会门票 ... owed 欠款 Concert tickets 演唱会门票 arrear 欠款 ...


1.And on top of all that, they want help getting their children into certain schools and getting last-minute concert tickets, he said.他说,最要命的是,他们还要银行帮忙送他们的孩子上指定的学校以及在最后关头弄到演唱会门票,等等。

2.A-Mei's annual concert tickets were all sold out a month ago.阿妹的年度演唱会门票,一个月前就全卖光了啊。

3.Choosing between a new sweater and a pair of concert tickets?是买件新外套还是两张去演唱会的票?

4.e. g. It just struck me that I still owe you for the concert tickets.我忽然想起还欠你音乐会的门票钱。

5.She tried to lure him there with an offer of two free concert tickets, but Liu, apparently too busy with other matters, didn't show up.张靓颖试图提供两张免费的演唱会入场券给刘翔,但似乎太忙了无暇顾及其他事情。

6.Me that I still owe you for the concert tickets .我突然想起还欠你音乐会的门票钱。

7.Once, while cleaning up, she accidentally threw away a pair of Neil Young concert tickets.有一次,在打扫的时候,她不小心把两张NeilYoung音乐会的票给扔掉了。

8.The Stones are wily old businessmen: they were among the first to reapse that fans would pay more for concert tickets.滚石他们都是些生意场上的老油条,他们属于最先发现粉丝们愿意花更多的钱买门票的那拨人。

9.Concert tickets! I'm going to see my favorite singer in concert.演唱会票!我能去看特别想去的演唱会了耶!

10.How did you get concert tickets? I thought they were all sold out.你是怎么样买到演唱会门票的?我以为都已经卖光了。