



adv. 简明地


This passage is concisely phrased.



副词: concisely | 名词: conciseness |





副词: concisely | 名词: conciseness |


terse | brief | short | curt | summary | succinct | compact | to the point | summarizing | short and sweet | crisp | abridged | laconic | pithy |


prolix | redundant | diffuse |



shortly   conciselyconciselyadv.
1.翻译:简明地 见:concise: concisely


副词 concisely:

in a concise manner; in a few words

同义词:briefly, shortly, in brief, in short


1. The FAQ-based question similarity match model is implemented by sematic sentence similarity computation, which is improved by our system, this model can answer frequently-asked question fastly and concisely.

FAQ 库问句匹配模块主要采用本系统改进的句子相似度计算方法来实现用户问句的解答,该模块主要用于实现用户常问问题的快速、准确解答;

2. RDQL allows complex queries to be expressed concisely, with a query engine performing the hard work of accessing the data model.


3. "You really have to listen to the question, and answer the question, and answer it concisely," he says.


4. and which concisely expressed the thought of one whose dress or manners are calculated to elicit the admiration of susceptible young women."


5. A strong proposal’s introduction doesn’t mince words.Rather, the introduction clearly and concisely states what you propose to do.


6. Rebecca Choi, a marketing director at a Chinese company, concisely defines public relations as the practice of maintaining positive empathy with and from a targeted audience and the public in general.

丽贝卡·乔依(一位营销主管)将公共关系定义为: 在目标观众和普通公众中保持好的共鸣的行为。

7. The book describes clearly and concisely the indications and methods for all common operative and conservative procedures in dental practice.


8. Two, compiled concisely the biographical chronology again for Shi Run Zhang by using grasping new material.


9. In this review, the advances of HLA and theory of TCM were concisely summarized from three aspects: physique theory of TCM,syndrome,the relationship physique of TCM and syndrome.


10. Charter one is the preface to declaim concisely the research aim and meaning for this thesis.


11. From Lorentz velocity transformation ,the relativistic relation ship between monentum and energy in various inertial systems has been derived concisely.


12. This article analyzes the reforming methods of the d omestic gas appliance, and introduced concisely the design's principle of artifi cial gas water heater's burner.


13. Elizabeth replied very concisely that she was.


14. Can you communicate your thoughts, ideas, and information clearly and concisely both in writing and verbally?


15. Give your opinions on the question under discussion,say what you are for or against and state your reasons concisely.


16. You are able to express your ideas and your needs clearly and concisely.


17. A way for concisely ascertaining principal design parameters of disk cams with offset followers


18. The built-in type dict, new in Python 2.2, lets us build the auxiliary dictionary faster and more concisely.


19. The writer should state simply, clearly and concisely what he can sell or what he expects to buy.


20. Influence factor and control measure on the preparation of molecular template polymer by non-covalence method were reviewed concisely.


21. Front and rear control panels are concisely concentrated and operated conveniently.


22. After half a century, it still serves as the classic version of some aspects of linguistics, because it is so concisely written


23. The ancient Roman law concisely explains justice: ius est ad alios ("the law refers tothe other").

古罗马的法律清楚地揭示了公正的含义:“ius est ad alios”(涉及他人的法律)。

24. The varactor’s model and design are introduced too.Some other aspect, such as active devices, interconnect, substrate, will be studied concisely.

另外还简单介绍变容管的实 现和模型等方面的问题,并对其他工艺因素,如有源器件的性能,衬底和互联 的影响等做了一些探讨。

25. In addition, with small bathrooms Zhuwo matching as concisely as possible in the design, because the function of this space, in addition to daily use, and master enjoyment needs.


26. The fiber morphology can be concisely summarized


27. The development of liquid core waveguide in recent years was reviewed and evaluated concisely.


28. The hash value represents concisely the longer message or document from which it was computed; this value is called the message digest.


29. The exploration in new series of strata and new area of Bohaiwan Basin is concisely reviewed and the petroleum geological conditions are analyzed.


30. This thesis generalized the development process of the jigger and the basic theory of the jigger stratification and separation concisely .


31. In 1985, Dr.Codd published a list of 12 rules that concisely define an ideal relational database, which have provided a guideline for the design of all relational database systems ever since.


32. In the modern society,the people 's life rhythm are becoming rapid more and more,this demand that the indication system can communicate vision information concisely and rapidly.


33. the history is summed up concisely in this book; she replied briefly; briefly,we have a problem; to put it shortly


34. the history is summed up concisely in this book; she replied briefly; briefly, we have a problem; to put it shortly.


35. Among his four Tableau Economiques the basic elements and the prerequisites of Marx's Theory of Social Reproduction are all explained concisely and make almost perfect theory pattern.


36. "Complex data structures and algorithms can be described concisely by Pascal, and its programs are easy to read and debug. "


37. She spoke concisely, coherently and appropriately.


38. She tries to translate the message concisely.


39. In short and concisely, the best way of learning is to love the subject.If you can't make it, then minimally, do not to hate it.


40. Its accuracy and comprehensibility depend on how concisely the learning algorithm can summarize this structure.The non-predictive parts of a decision tree should be eliminated or pruned.


41. Concisely expressed many of the ideals and principles of democracy.


42. It concisely spans the field.


43. The essay carries a research on formation of lichen flora in Hanas natural conservation area, illustrates concisely the formation factors of lichen flora and character of geographical region component.


44. The implement of GIS as a technical tool, espacially, the concrete application of spatial analysis of GIS in mineral resource prognosis are explained Systematicly and concisely.


45. According to the results,it shows distinctly and concisely the distribution pattern and the concentrated anomaly zones of the elements in the surveyed a...


46. Bartram can capture the scenes and sights of cultural interest such as various human figures and Indian customs vividly and concisely.


47. Generally, this type of poetry was written simply, concisely, vividly, tersely and easily understood and read.Lots of poems have become the classical primers.


48. You ve also looked at different methods of querying a model and seen how RDQL can be used to concisely express arbitrary queries.


49. It expresses a certain denotation as a whole, it is the language essence which was practiced concisely and comprehensively.


50. I am alert, adaptable, and keen-minded.I am an efficient stenographer and typist. I can write clearly, concisely, and entertainingly.


51. Clearly layered implementation, concisely programming interface and easily command sending and receiving methodologies make SATA BFM powerful in verifying a SATA DUV.


52. The principle and field source of high frequency earth electromagnetic survey has been concisely introduced.


53. In this article the structure of torsion bar is introduced and a discourse on the design of torsion bar is made, torsion bar tilting mechanism of cab is also concisely described.


54. In this paper, we concisely retrospect some recent progress and important research results on the application of statistics in seismicity.


55. An advance in electrorhology is introduced concisely, and the rudimental property, characteristic and outlook in the application for the electrorheological materials are summarized in this paper.


56. The authors concisely introduced the concept, characteristics and technology of POCT, mainly expatiated on its implementation in kinetic biochemical tests.


57. Physical mechanism of the predominant period is concisely discussed, and formula of thermic tilt component is deduced from B.Gutenberg relation.


58. This article discussed the relationship of the inductive current, the lever of electromagnetic field, and the loop circuit impedance by some test date concisely.


59. The paper introduces the development of properties,types,grades,curing systems,naming system of VITON fluoroelastmler.The characteristics and applications of every grade areillustrated concisely.


60. This introductory article describes concisely the atate-of-art,the diversity,the characteristicsand prospect of this kind of semisynthetic biocatalysts or abzymes.


61. The paper reviews the major models in the history, sorts and comments them concisely.


62. This article introduced several methods on translation of Chinese idioms concisely.


63. In the paper, the SNPs concept, characteristic, uses in biomedicine, drug genome and human heredity, and study methods were concisely introduced.


64. In this paper, the present situation, application and development of coupler, especially the technology and theory of fused biconical taper wide band couplers are analyzed concisely.


65. This paper briefly summarizes the t ests,concisely analyses test results and proposes suggestions for improving the technology in the future.


66. This paper concisely analyzed about the interview work of the library, and put forward the countermeasure and suggestion.


67. This paper will concisely commentate and tidy about the value trend of the academically mainstream concepts on governmental managements in this three stages.


68. The advances and state of the arts of the molecular fluorescent signal devicesare introduced concisely.


69. In this review,major compounds from the genus Hypericum were presented according to their structure types and their biological activities were discussed concisely.


70. This thesis mainly discussed the plant polyphenol application and mechanism, and elaborated concisely it's exploiting in cosmetics.


71. Abstract Having concisely introduces the current styles and some assortment of combing products hope and abroad, the paper shows us the developing trend and shortcomings of combing products in China.


72. This paper concisely introduced the principle of the most frequently used molecular markers-RFLP, RAPD, AFLP, SSR and ISSR, summarized the progress of their application in Ginkgo biloba researches.


73. In this review, we concisely introduce the principles of SICM and its applications in nanobiology.


74. This paper concisely has retrospected the situation of the energy sources in Qinghai are being synthetically used,analyzed the existent problems,and put forward some.


75. This article try to explain concisely and mostly contents of the ecological province,definition and progress of sustainable development and relationship of the two.


76. The basic features of Zuoyituo landslide such as geological conditions, dimensions, sliding surface and groundwater conditions were described concisely in the paper.


77. In summary, this study indeed shows LPV can represent the characteristics and dynamic process of midlatitude synoptic-scale system more clearly and concisely than IPV.


78. The claims shall clearly and concisely state the requested patent protection scope in accordance with the specifications.


79. Accord to performance index in the SRAM circuit and existing technological level of IC, technological design points used to the SRAM are concisely proposed in this dissertation.


80. A concisely expressed precept or general truth; a maxim.
