

Coney Island

美式发音: [ˈkoʊni ˌaɪlənd] 英式发音: [ˌkəʊni ˈaɪlənd]





na.1.a famous amusement park in Brooklyn, New York

1.康尼岛游览康尼岛Coney Island)及布莱登海滩(Brighton Beach)*美国知名的休闲娱乐区域(美国最早的大型游乐城:摩天轮、 …

2.科尼岛在科尼岛Coney Island)遛狗的裴洛塔(Joe Perota)说:「他们不应该要每个人都撤离。现在有些人可能有数千美元的损失…

3.纽约科尼岛海景:纽约科尼岛Coney Island)的露天市场吸引着人们前来休闲游憩争分夺秒:该作品展现了中国的端午节期间的龙舟竞渡 …

4.柯尼岛每回要向朋友说明柯尼岛Coney Island)是什麽样的地方,自认对纽约历史与地理不是很熟的我,实在答不太出所以然,只能 …

5.纽约康尼岛在纽约康尼岛(Coney island)每年固定有上千条美人鱼,身穿手工制作的服装游行走向海边,这是纽约市最大的夏季活动,也是 …

6.纽约的科尼岛魅影居於大西洋对岸纽约的科尼岛(Coney Island),让洋溢著欢笑的游乐场抹上了鬼魅的阴影。.克莉丝汀(Christine)在不知情的 …

7.康妮岛• 康妮岛Coney Island)的乡村公园(Rustic park)是您远离城市喧嚣,回归田园生活的理想选择。那里随处能听到叶子的沙 …

8.科尼艾兰科尼艾兰 (Coney Island)自由女神像 (Statue of Liberty) 布鲁克林音乐学院 (Brooklyn Academy of Music) Atlantic Av.


1."Moby-Dick" was written not by Herman Melville but by Herman Melbrooks, who wrote most of it in Yiddish on the boat over from Coney Island.“白鲸”不是赫尔曼·梅尔维尔所写,而是赫尔曼·梅尔布鲁克斯的作品,大部分是他在离开科尼岛的船上用意第绪语写的。

2.Renate was greatly annoyed when I said that she must come to Coney Island with me.当我向莱娜达提出她必须陪我走一趟科尼岛时,她大为恼火。

3.The Coney Island Polar Bear Club took the plunge for a fundraising event to help support terminally ill children.这支陆地兔子挑战极限队为帮助末期病儿的筹款活动而跳进水里。

4.Shopping centers and sports bars are planned, and Coney Island already has a few attractions that are very popular.购物中心和运动酒吧都在计画当中,科尼岛已经有一些非常热门的景点。

5.Brooklyn contains the Botanical Gardens, Coney Island (a beach with an amusement park), and J. F. K. International Airport.布鲁克林区则包含植物园、科尼岛(一座有游乐场的海滩)和约翰.肯尼廸国际机场。

6.Li Xiaoshu, right, with her summer colleagues at Nathan's Famous in Coney Island on Saturday.周六,李晓姝(右)与她的同事在位于科尼岛的美食胜餐厅打暑期工。

7.The developer is in negotiations with the city, which seems keen on defending Coney Island's legacy of hoopla.开发商正与市政府交涉过招。政府看似十分支持“保留康尼岛传统”的呼吁。

8.On Saturday, he hosted a beach outing at Coney Island and a dinner at Delmonico's, near Wall Street.周六,他在康尼岛和华尔街附近的戴尔莫尼克餐馆招待客人。

9.Brooklyn contains the Botanical Gardens, Coney Island ( a beach with an amusement park ), and J.在Brooklyn区,有植物园,Coney岛(一个带有公园的海滩),J。

10."It'll be absolutely gorgeous, " Mr. Markowitz said, and "a really great attraction for the future of Coney Island. "“那一定会是非常棒的,”马可维迪斯先生说到,“并且,这肯定会对康尼岛未来的发展有促进作用。”