



美式发音: [ˈkɑnfɪdəns] 英式发音: [ˈkɒnfɪd(ə)ns]




复数:confidences  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.restore confidence,build confidence,lose confidence,give confidence,boost confidence

adj.+n.full confidence,great confidence,complete confidence,absolute confidence,perfect confidence






n.1.the bepef that you are able to do things well2.the bepef that someone or something is good and that you can trust them3.if you have confidence that something is true, you feel certain that it is true4.a secret that you tell someone1.the bepef that you are able to do things well2.the bepef that someone or something is good and that you can trust them3.if you have confidence that something is true, you feel certain that it is true4.a secret that you tell someone

1.自信 city and whispered 低语者〈美〉(剧中)提词人 ) confidences 信任;信心,自信;秘密), ...

3.秘密 ... pay off 使人得到回报 confidences 自信,秘密,心事 impose 强迫,强加 ...

4.心事 ... pay off 使人得到回报 confidences 自信,秘密,心事 impose 强迫,强加 ...

5.率真自我 ... candidly sharing confidences 赤诚相见; 赤诚相见 confidences 悄悄话; 悄悄话 confident 大大方方 ...

7.保密义务因为讲座时间的关系,有关特别对待(Privileges)与保密义务Confidences)都没来的及讲,不过主讲人发了材料,自己可以 …


1.Lots of things, are easy to be done, do not shrink, just to get more confidences.其实很多事情,都很容易办的,不要畏缩,给自己点自信就行。

2.We have now 4 research centers around the world, all with the kind of core confidences that we focus on.我们现在在全世界,有4家研究中心,都致力于我们所关注的核心问题。

3.Faith consists of accumulated confidences , no matter how the circumstances will change, one should always have the conviction of success.信心的积聚就是信念,无论处于什幺变化的情境,都坚信自己会成。

4.Their self-confidences are insufficient definitely on Engpsh learning, then it causes nervous, fear, even rebel at (hate) Engpsh learning.他们在英语进修上较着存在自傲心不足,对英语进修感应慌张、惧怕、以至是厌恶进修英语的问题。

5.I wonder if the employees have no confidences about the Enron stock, how they could transfer their payment into stock.我想知道如果雇员没有自信的安然股票,他们如何能转移支付到股票。

6.They walked for about an hour, holding hands, singing quietly, sharing confidences, laughing, crying.手牵着手,轻轻地唱着歌,说着彼此的心里话,笑着,哭着,就这样,他们走了一个小时。

7.the model dissociates inductive confidences and inductive strengths.从而分离归纳信心和归纳强度。

8.These fresh and heart-warming sounds, restored hopes and confidences in people, as well as even in those who had lost heart.这些清新而温馨的声音,让再心灰意冷的人,也会重新贮满希望和信心。

9.They feel secure that they will not be ridiculed or derided, and their confidences will be honored.他们不会互相戏弄和嘲笑,因而心里踏实自在。他们之间的这种信任也会受到旁人的尊重。

10.Eg. She was in the mood for confidences that afternoon.那天下午她显出很自信的样子。