




1.配置 已安装(installed) 仅存配置(config-file) 仅解压缩(Unpacked) ...仅存一个数字 :int bookstore mSQL …


1.The only exception is if one of those apppcations overrides the setting by means of its own lower Web. Config file.唯一的例外情况是其中一个应用程序通过自己的较低级的Web.config文件重写设置。

2.The first step to making this configuration dynamic is to pull it out of our zero. config file.让配置动态化的第一个步骤是将配置从我们的zero.config文件中拉出。

3.If you decide to edit the config file, you may be surprised to see that the security rules in it aren't appped, even after a reboot.如果您编辑配置文件,可能会吃惊地发现即使在重新引导之后其中的安全规则也没有生效。

4.Each Web. Config file apppes configuration settings to the directory that it is in and to all of the child directories below it.每个Web.config文件都将配置设置应用于它所在的目录以及它下面的所有子目录。

5.Notice that the section is the only configuration section that cannot be placed in an apppcation-specific web. config file.注意节点是唯一一个不能在用在应用程序的web.config文件内配置的节点。

6.However, set the value to True if your unit test must run in a separate apppcation domain, such as if it uses an app. Config file.但是,如果单元测试必须在单独的应用程序域中运行(例如,如果它使用app.config文件),则可以将该值设置为“True”。

7.ProviderName Set to the name of the provider that you specified in the Web. Config file for the corresponding connection string.ProviderName设置为您在Web.config文件中为相应的连接字符串指定的提供程序的名称。

8.The name of the RSA key container used to encrypt or decrypt the contents of the Web. Config file.用于加密或解密Web.config文件内容的RSA密钥容器的名称。

9.Take a note of the fingerprint of the key as you'll need it later for the config file.把这个Key的指纹信息记录下来,因为之后你将在配置文件中用到它。

10.One of the primary places that sensitive information is stored in an ASP. NET apppcation is the Web. Config file.ASP.NET应用程序中存储敏感信息的主要位置之一是Web.config文件。