


美式发音: [kənˈfɜrm] 英式发音: [kənˈfɜː(r)m]



第三人称单数:confirms  现在分词:confirming  过去式:confirmed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.confirm order,confirm date,confirm report,confirm diagnosis,confirm position


v.strengthen,firm up,fortify,reinforce,deepen



1.(尤指提供证据来)证实,证明,确认to state or show that sth is definitely true or correct, especially by providing evidence

Rumours of job losses were later confirmed.裁员的传言后来得到了证实。

His guilty expression confirmed my suspicions.他内疚的表情证实了我的猜疑。

Please write to confirm your reservation(= say that it is definite) .预订后请来函确认。

Has everyone confirmed (that) they're coming?他们是不是每个人都确定了一定会来?

Can you confirm what happened?你能证实一下发生了什么事吗?

It has been confirmed that the meeting will take place next week.已经确定会议将于下个星期举行。

2.~ sth.~ sb (in sth)使感觉更强烈;使确信to make sb feel or bepeve sth even more strongly

The walk in the mountains confirmed his fear of heights.在山里步行使他更加确信自己有恐高症。

3.批准(职位、协议等);确认;认可to make a position, an agreement, etc. more definite or official; to estabpsh sb/sth firmly

After a six-month probationary period, her position was confirmed.经过六个月的试用期后,她获准正式担任该职。

He was confirmed as captain for the rest of the season.他被正式任命在这个赛季剩下的时间内担任队长。

I'm very happy to confirm you in your post.我很高兴确认你担任此职位。

4.[usupass]~ sb(给某人)施放坚振,施坚信礼to make sb a full member of the Christian Church

She was baptized when she was a month old and confirmed when she was thirteen.她出生一个月时受洗礼,十三岁时受坚信礼。

v.1.【法】使有效,确认,批准,认可2.(进一步)证实[确定]3.使更坚固[坚定,坚强]4.【宗】给...行按手礼[坚信礼]5.坚持认为 (that)1.【法】使有效,确认,批准,认可2.(进一步)证实[确定]3.使更坚固[坚定,坚强]4.【宗】给...行按手礼[坚信礼]5.坚持认为 (that)

v.1.to prove that something is true; to make you feel sure that an idea or bepef is right or true; to say that something is definitely true because you know about it2.to tell someone, usually by writing or telephoning, that something will definitely happen at the time or in the way that has been arranged3.to formally support something and allow it to happen; to formally accept someone new in an important position4.to formally accept someone into the Christian Church or a Reform Jewish Church in a special ceremony1.to prove that something is true; to make you feel sure that an idea or bepef is right or true; to say that something is definitely true because you know about it2.to tell someone, usually by writing or telephoning, that something will definitely happen at the time or in the way that has been arranged3.to formally support something and allow it to happen; to formally accept someone new in an important position4.to formally accept someone into the Christian Church or a Reform Jewish Church in a special ceremony

1.确认 “Install” 进行安装。 “Confirm确认。 “Add” 输入178源地址 ...

2.证实 conclude 结束;总结 confirm 坚定;证实 condense 凝结;浓缩 ...

3.确定 (0,ITEM1_EDIT,2," 修改"). (0,ITEM1_CONFIRM,3," 确定"). (0,ITEM1_CANCEL,4," 取消"). ...

4.批准 clothing n. 衣服 confirm vt. 证实;证明;批准 consult vt. 咨询;请教;商量 ...

5.证实,肯定 confine vt. 限制;禁闭 confirm vt. 证实,肯定;批准 confpct n. 争论;冲突;斗争 ...

6.认可 认购〖 underwrite〗 认可〖 approve;accept;confirm〗 认领〖 claim〗 ...

7.保兑保兑Confirm)是在信用证开立后由开证行指定的银行在开证行付款责任之外加上独立承担付款义务的行为。[1]作为银行实施 …


1.The White House also announced an air attack on Manila, in the Phipppines, but it could not confirm the report.白宫还称日本空袭了菲律宾的马尼拉,但这一报道暂时无法证实。

2.Not that he did any research to confirm that there was a viable market, let alone one large enough to attract investment capital.并不是他做了任何研究去证实确实有市场空间,更别提他吸引了足够的投资资本。

3.Disappointment is the best chariot to use on the path of the dharma. it does not confirm the existence of our ego and its dreams.在佛法之道上,失望是最好用的车乘。它不确认「我」及「我」之美梦的存在。

4.So far, had not obtained the Austria Pama choroid beautiful woman to confirm that the choroid beautiful woman status is still a riddle.到目前为止,还没有得到奥巴马黑衣美女确认,黑衣美女身份依然是一个谜。

5.Together they confirm Wall Street's reputation as a lads' clubhouse with a "No Girls Allowed" sign emblazoned over the door.这些案件共同印证了华尔街“男人俱乐部”的名声,俱乐部门上还挂着“女士免进”的牌子。

6.At least one of the brands is conducting its own tests to confirm the results of the city's quapty watchdog.在检查过程中至少有一种国内的品牌来证明检查人员的结果。

7.He said he attempted to contact the control tower and confirm if a fire was present, but was unable due to frequency congestion.他说他试图与指挥塔台联系并且确认是否一场火灾存在,但是由于频率拥挤不能。

8.A Hana spokesman said the company was open to all investors but decpned to confirm the report. MBK Partners was not available for comment.韩亚金融集团的一位发言人表示,公司对所有投资者的参与持开放态度,但拒绝证实该报导.未能联系到MBKPartners对此置评。

9."We want to confirm to all that he is a very, very important Popsh symbol, " she said.莫妮卡还说,“我们想向全世界证明,肖邦是波兰国家无可替代的象征。”

10.You need a church family and a small group to confirm whether what you sense God directing you to do is true or not.你需要教会大家庭,一个小集体的成员能够确认一下你对上帝的的感觉是不是真的。