


美式发音: [kənˈdʒektʃər] 英式发音: [kənˈdʒektʃə(r)]




复数:conjectures  现在分词:conjecturing  过去式:conjectured  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.pure conjecture,wild conjecture





1.[c]猜测;推测an opinion or idea that is not based on definite knowledge and is formed by guessing

The truth of his conjecture was confirmed by the newspaper report.新闻报道证明了他的推测果然不假。

2.[u]揣测;臆测the forming of an opinion or idea that is not based on definite knowledge

What was going through the killer's mind is a matter for conjecture.凶手当时心里是怎样想的,这个问题只能由人们去推测了。


1.[i][t]猜测;推测to form an opinion about sth even though you do not have much information on it

We can only conjecture about what was in the killer's mind.我们只能猜测当时凶手心里想的是什么。

We can only conjecture what was in the killer's mind.我们只能猜测当时凶手心里想的是什么。

He conjectured that the population might double in ten years.他推测人口在十年后可能会增加一倍。

She conjectured the existence of a completely new species.她推测有一个全新物种存在。

The remains are conjectured to be thousands of years old.据推测,这些古迹有几千年的历史。



n.1.the formation of judgments or opinions on the basis of incomplete or inconclusive information2.a conclusion, judgment, or statement based on incomplete or inconclusive information3.a theorem in science or mathematics that has still to be proved4.the development of a theory or guess based on information that is not complete1.the formation of judgments or opinions on the basis of incomplete or inconclusive information2.a conclusion, judgment, or statement based on incomplete or inconclusive information3.a theorem in science or mathematics that has still to be proved4.the development of a theory or guess based on information that is not complete

v.1.to decide that something is true or pkely based on the information that you have

1.推测 abject a 可怜的;颓丧的 conjecture n 推测,猜想 deject v 使沮丧 ...

2.猜想 abject a 可怜的;颓丧的 conjecture n 推测,猜想 deject v 使沮丧 ...

3.猜测 conjectural 推测的 conjecture 推测,猜测 connect 连接;联系;联合 ...

4.臆测 臆造[ fabricate;concoct] 臆测[ conjecture;surmise;guess] 臆断[ groundless conclusion] ...

5.揣测 ⑻ 测量,度量[ measure] ⑼ 揣测,揣度[ conjecture] ⑽ 按照,依照[ according to] ...

6.揣度 (1) 窖藏;深藏[ keep in dark place;store away in cellar] (3) 思忖;揣度[ conjecture] ◎ 窨 xūn ...

7.忖度 (1) 取法;效法[ follow] (3) 拟想;推测;忖度[ conjecture] (5) 匹配[ match] ...

8.臆度 (6) 经商,贩卖货物[ trade] (8) 揣测,臆度[ conjecture] (1) 商业[ trade;commerce;business] ...


1.She did not know the facts, so what she said was pure conjecture.她并不了解实情,所以她所说的纯属猜测。

2.Its defence budget is thought to be expanding by around 12% a year, though its real size is the subject of conjecture.中国的国防预算被认为每年增加12%,然而实际规模还是颇费猜想。

3.How much of this is because of human action is still a matter of conjecture, but it is widely accepted to be significant.其中多大程度是因为人类活动所致,仍旧难以确定,但是大家普遍认为,这影响相当显著。

4.Was it a chance, or had the hour come, or did the ray of sunshine kindle a thought, a conjecture, in my dull mind?这是偶然发生的事件,还是那个期限已经到来,阳光把我麻木脑袋中的思想和猜测照亮了呢?

5.Chronology protection is still just a conjecture, so time travel remains a possibipty.时序保护还只是个臆测而已,所以时光旅行仍是可能的。

6.You know, out of that came a lot of conjecture that there was way too much radiation for us to have had people in outer space.你知道,由于那个,便有了很多推测,即:对我们来说,让人体呆在外太空或许有远远过多的辐射了。

7.Although just one game, Saturday's contest led to quite a bit of conjecture about what the playoffs might bring.即使只是一场比赛,但是周六的比赛带来了一些推测,那就是季后赛会带来什么。

8.There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifpng investment of fact.科学具有一些吸引人之处,我们只投资了一点微小的事实,却能回收得到如此大规模的推测。

9.There you differ with me, Miss Cathy, ' I remarked; `I should conjecture him to be far worse. '“在这点上你和我看法不同,”我说,“我猜想他是糟多了。”

10.For Dr Perelman, transforming a conjecture into a theorem appears to have been prize enough.对于他而言,把猜想变为定理似乎要比变成奖金更能得到满足。