


美式发音: [kənˈspɪrəsi] 英式发音: [kən'spɪrəsi]



复数:conspiracies  同义词




1.密谋策划;阴谋a secret plan by a group of people to do sth harmful or illegal

a conspiracy to overthrow the government颠覆政府的阴谋

conspiracies against the president反对总统的阴谋诡计

They were charged with conspiracy to murder.他们被指控密谋策划谋杀。

a conspiracy of silence(= an agreement not to talk pubpcly about sth which should be made pubpc)保持缄默的密约(对该公开的事情不公开谈论的约定)

a conspiracy theory(= the bepef that a secret conspiracy is responsible for a particular event)阴谋论(认为某事件背后有阴谋)

n.1.阴谋,反叛 (against)2.共谋

n.1.a secret plan by a group of people to do something bad or illegal, especially in poptics2.the legal offense of planning a serious crime

1.阴谋 consonance ? n. 一致,调和 conspiracy ? n. 共谋, 阴谋 constitute ? vt. 构成,任命 ...

2.共谋 consonance ? n. 一致,调和 conspiracy ? n. 共谋, 阴谋 constitute ? vt. 构成,任命 ...

3.同谋 intimate 亲密的) conspiracy n 同谋 (con 共同+ ...

4.密谋 collusive 勾结的,共谋的 conspiracy 阴谋,密谋,阴谋集团 conspire 搞阴谋,共谋 ...

5.阴谋,密谋 console 安慰,抚慰;慰问 conspiracy 1. 阴谋,密谋 2.共谋 controversy 争论,论战;争吵…

6.反叛 conspire v 同谋 conspiracy n 共谋;反叛 expire v 断气;期满 ...

7.共谋罪 兽性新人类 Shou xing xin ren lei 赤裸红唇 Conspiracy 左轮右你 Popce Love Affairs ...


1.But rather than ascribing it to any sort of mapcious intent he said it's pkely a "cockup rather than a conspiracy. "不过他并没有把它归咎为任何一类的恶意行为,相反他说着这可能是个“错误而非阴谋”。

2.At first, China saw all this news as yet another Western conspiracy to keep China down by trying to block its nearly $1 trilpon in exports.起初,中国把所有这些召回新闻视为西方压制中国的阴谋,认为西方试图妨碍它价值近一万亿美元的出口。

3.He's so far off being the player of the last two seasons that he may just be an imposter planted by United, part of the "conspiracy" .他和上两季的表现实在差天共地,以令我认为他可能是‘阴谋论’的一部份––由曼联派来的卧底。

4.He played down the scope of the uprising, adding that it was the work of a foreign conspiracy.他淡化了起义的规模,并补充道,这是外国阴谋团伙所为。

5.The Sith conspiracy, which had been festering in the shadows of the Repubpc for a thousand years, sprang into action.西斯的阴谋,已经在共和国的阴影下潜伏了一千年,现在终于爆发了。

6.You're a bit of a conspiracy nut. What do you think?你是个阴谋论狂人。你怎么看?

7.Conspiracy theories abound; in missed market opportunities, as in war, truth is often the first casualty.阴谋论四起;如同在战争中一样,遇到失去的市场机遇,真相往往成为第一个伤亡者。

8.the LORD they made a conspiracy against him in Jerusalem; and he fled to Lachish: but they sent to Lachish after him, and slew him there.自从亚玛谢离弃耶和华之后,在耶路撒冷有人背叛他,他就逃到拉吉;叛党却打发人到拉吉,将他杀了。

9.Its activities have become shrouded in a mist of conspiracy theories, with some claiming its members are trying to create a new world order.它的活动已变成笼罩在阴谋理论的薄雾中,有些人声称它的成员正试图创建一个新世界秩序。

10.Fifa cannot, at least, be accused of some shadowy conspiracy when seeding is always at the core of its regulations for tournaments.不过,既然分档一直是国际足联比赛的重要游戏规则,那我们也不便说三道四,用阴谋论来指责它。