


美式发音: [kənˈsʌlt(ə)nsi] 英式发音: [kənˈsʌltənsi]






1.[c]咨询公司a company that gives expert advice on a particular subject to other companies or organizations

a management/design/computer, etc. consultancy管理/设计/计算机等咨询公司

2.[u]专家咨询expert advice that a company or person is paid to provide on a particular subject

consultancy fees咨询费


n.1.Same as consultation2.a company with expert knowledge about a particular subject that provides professional help and advice to other companies; the work of a consultancy company

1.咨询 文章 notes 咨询 consultancy 关于 about ...

2.顾问 consult 征询 consultancy 顾问 consultant 顾问 ...

3.咨询公司 - 网易博客 ... 成本核算 costing 咨询公司 consultancy 耐用消费品 consumer durables ...

4.顾问工作 Visitors – Welcome to China 我们的访客 Consultancy 顾问工作 Video & photo 视频&图片 ...

5.顾问服务英能科技股份有限公司提供的产品与服务包括: (1)顾问服务(Consultancy) (a)风险评估顾问 (b)功能安全管理顾问 (c)制程安 …

6.发展咨询 constuction matertals 建筑材料 consultancy 咨询公司,顾问公司 consultancy fee 咨询 …

8.顾问业顾问业consultancy)的工作较财务分析师或稽查员生 动活泼,面对人的机会较多,也更能发挥个人风格的管理长才。


1.Lourie was the founder of a prominent Canadian environmental consultancy and is currently the president of the Ivey Foundation.劳里是加拿大一所著名的环境咨询室的创建者,现任IveyFoundation主席。

2.Wood Mackenzie, another consultancy, expects that growth to continue at a rate of up to 15 per cent a year over the next few years.另一家咨询公司WoodMackenzie预计,未来几年,中石油的天然气产量将继续以每年最多15%的速度增长。

3.Flow business is "the side of the boat all banks are running towards, " says Ted Moynihan of Opver Wyman, a consultancy.咨询公司OpverWyman的TedMoynihan说,流动性业务是“所有银行都蜂拥而至的那侧船舷”。

4."Japan could be a world leader if it wanted to be, " says Mike Hugh, chief executive of Asia Cleantech Gateway, a consultancy.“日本如果下定决心,有望成为世界领先者。”咨询公司AsiaCleantechGateway的首席执行官迈克•休(MikeHugh)表示。

5.This example is often used within the consultancy field and is also used in several variations in the user support area.这个例子经常用在咨询领域,实际中也会有些变化。任务是记录多个人员的工作时间。

6.Michael Lynch, of Strategic Energy &Economic Research, a consultancy, recalls that just a year ago inventories were high and prices too low.战略能源与经济研究所的顾问麦克尔.李奇回忆说,就在一年前,石油存储量丰富,价格也非常低。

7.Tax chief Wong Ho-sang met the civil service secretary yesterday to explain the controversy involving a tax consultancy run by his wife.税务局局长黄河生就其妻子开设税务公司一事,会见公务员事务局局长作出解释。

8."ICBC is all but guaranteed to acquire the stake, " said Peter Alexander, of Z-Ben Advisors, a Shanghai-based consultancy.“工行获得这部分股份,几乎已成板上钉钉之事,”上海咨询公司咨奔商务咨询(Z-BenAdvisors)的彼得-亚历山大(PeterAlexander)表示。

9.China may be trying to carve out a niche for the yuan as a "regional trade currency" , thinks GaveKal Dragonomics, a consultancy.龙洲经讯咨询机构认为,中国或许正在努力为人民币打造成地区贸易货币创造适当的时机。

10.Enhance understanding, to further explore your legal consultancy services, famipar with legal counsel consultation contract, ready to sign.增进了解,进一步探讨你的法律顾问事务,熟悉、协商法律顾问服务合同的内容,准备签约。