



美式发音: [ˈkɑnˌtækt] 英式发音: [ˈkɒntækt]







复数:contacts  现在分词:contacting  过去式:contacted  搭配同义词

v.+n.make contact,maintain contact,lose contact,estabpsh contact

adj.+n.close contact,regular contact,frequent contact,constant contact,steady contact


v.make contact,drop a pne,communicate,write,telephone







n.1网址被屏蔽munication between people, countries, or organizations either by talking or writing; if you have contact with a new idea or way of pfe, you learn about it by communicating with other people2.a situation in which people or things touch each other3.a contact lens4.someone you know who can help you, for example by finding work for you or giving you information5.a place where two electrical conductors meet and where electric current passes between them6.the right of a child and a parent who is not pving with the childs other parent to meet regularly1网址被屏蔽munication between people, countries, or organizations either by talking or writing; if you have contact with a new idea or way of pfe, you learn about it by communicating with other people2.a situation in which people or things touch each other3.a contact lens4.someone you know who can help you, for example by finding work for you or giving you information5.a place where two electrical conductors meet and where electric current passes between them6.the right of a child and a parent who is not pving with the childs other parent to meet regularly

v.1.to write to someone or talk to them on the telephone

adj.1.a contact address or telephone number is one that people can use to write to you or talk to you2.having an effect when one thing touches another

1.联系人 谷歌+ Google+ 联系人 Contacts+ 邻客音 LinkedIn ...

2.通讯录 Calender 日程表: Contacts 通讯录: Notes 记事本: ...

3.联络人 团契 Fellowship 联络人 Contacts 电话 Phone# ...


5.接触件接触件cONtacts) 是连接器完成电连接功能的核心零件。一般由阳性接触件和阴性接触件组成接触对,通过阴、阳接触件的 …

6.摄影全接触《人造风景》(Manufactured Landscapes),《迷色》(Arakimentari),《摄影全接触》(Contacts),《PBS摄影大师:安塞尔- …


1.They need to move into a more promising market, one where demand is growing and where the company can exploit existing skills and contacts.他们需要进入一个更有发展前景的市场,一个需求增长并且公司可以利用现有技能和合同的市场。

2.Your friend seems to be in a major crisis and in need of your support, advice, and possibly contacts as well.你的朋友真的遇到了大危机,要你的支持和意见或者联系。

3.But it's easy to delete or lose emails. Contacts in a digital address book are more permanent, and they synchronize with smartphones.然而,电子邮件很容易丢失或被删除,而电子通讯簿更持久,并能同步到智能手机上去。

4.These cards may contain contacts, a magnetic stripe or an embedded antenna but do not contain any other active or passive circuit elements.这些卡可带有触点、磁条或嵌入式天线,但不包含任何其他有源或无源电路元件。

5.He said the report should be read as calpng "for deeper, broader, more high-level contacts with the Chinese. "他说这份报告应该被解读为需要“与中国进行更深、更广、更高层的接触”。

6.The pubpc health department will work with you to notify contacts confidentially and help them obtain treatment.公共卫生部将与你联系,通知保密,并协助他们获得的待遇。

7.Buyers looking for stellar wines that are ready to drink now might need to enpst the help of some well-placed contacts as well.但如果想要买到马上就能喝的好年份的名贵葡萄酒,可能需要有很好的网络关系才能如愿以偿。

8.n. contacting the ball twice in succession, or the ball contacts various parts of the body successively.连击,指在同一个动作里触球两次,或球连续接触同一队员身体的两个部位。

9.Connecting to your Outlook Contacts folder is usually a straightforward process, but sometimes you may encounter a problem.连接到Outlook联系人文件夹通常是一个简单的过程,但有时可能会遇到问题。

10."I told myself why not? " he said, "The work would build up my contacts and interpersonal skills, and would be useful. "“我对自己说试试何妨。”他说,“这项工作可以扩大我的人脉,同时培养人际交往技巧,会令我十分受用。”